chapter 5

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After Echo showed me my office, he came with a few files and asked me to study them properly

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After Echo showed me my office, he came with a few files and asked me to study them properly. He also gave me the schedule for the meetings I will be attending.

Seems like I have a luncheon with one of the designers of their Singapore project now.

They are building a new hotel there, as they are planning on expanding their business in Asia.

It's opening in like three months and I'm sure it'll be gorgeous because 'ARATHYA'S' always had the best designers.

I've heard that when Kara or Ms. White as she prefers, took over the company almost two years ago, she made 'ARATHYA'S' a brand, she came up with many changes which has led to her being a sole owner of this company.

I admire her for her work but she is too cold and cruel or so I've heard. But I'm not going to judge her without Knowing her.

A ping sound breaks me out of my thoughts.

' I'm baaackk asshole !! And you're hosting a congratulatory/welcome back party. You can't say no. Love ya !'

Leave it to Spencer to throw himself a party in my name.

I met him almost two years ago. I was forced to go on a date with a rich daddy's girl by my mom.

I was given the advantage of choosing the location and I took to a football match. He was in the next seat and we quickly bonded over a single match. Since then we've been hanging out a lot.

He gives off bad boy vibes but is a total teddy bear once you get to know him.

He is a quarterback for 'the predators' and was on a tour for three months. Now that he's back I actually realise how much I've missed him though I would never tell him that.

'knock knock'

"Come in !"

Echo came in beaming as if he is a kid and was given his favourite toffee.

"Ready to go ?" He asks.

"Yeah, let me just grab a few files and a notepad. Where are we going by the way ?"

I don't know where they planned the luncheon because someone never told me.

"We are going to the Italian restaurant on the outskirts of the city because the clients as you must have noticed, are Italian and prefer to eat that."

Okayyyy.. I may not have known the clients are Indian but whatever I'll just pretend I knew that.

Note to self : Always do a background check of your clients.

"Okay let's go."

To be fair, I am quite impressed. The way she talks and the power emitted from her is very impressive. I've never seen a women so graceful yet cunning.

She knows exactly what to say to bag the deal. The clients were nodding happily like puppets in just a few minutes.

Echo is sitting on my right and Kara on the other side. I'm facing Mr. and Mrs. Romano. They are quite a couple.

If Spencer was here, he would definitely complain about being bored but not me. I'm listening carefully to everything Kara says. But her blank face is getting on my nerves.

Even after they agreed to all her terms, she did not smile. I was surprised when she said that she doesn't eat meat.

How can you live without eating meat your entire life ? I can't. For sure.

We are just finishing our lunch. The clients seem to be wrapped around her finger.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Excuse me. I have to take this." Kara excuses herself and leaves. Even the way she walks screams confidence.

After a few minutes she comes back. "Sorry but I'll have to leave. There's an emergency. I'll be looking forward to our next meeting."

Echo stiffens when she says 'emergency'. She seems a little off. But I think she saw me staring so she pulles her mask on. Again.

She looks at the questioning look Echo is giving her but doesn't explain.

She walks away without looking back.


How was the chapter ?

Today's my birthday sooo I thought it would be nice to publish it today

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Today's my birthday sooo I thought it would be nice to publish it today. I wrote this like 20 days ago.. sorry for making you wait. But I will update in a day or two for sure as I have almost finished the next chapter.

Also, all the images that I have or will be putting in the story are not mine. They are probably downloaded from Pinterest.

⬆️ The image at the top of the chapter is Adrian's office.

Today's question is,
When is your birthday ? And how old are you ?

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Lots of looooove 😘😘😘


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