chapter 3

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I love the sound of my heals clicking on the marble floor

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I love the sound of my heals clicking on the marble floor. Everyone halt their work for an instance to look at me. Some wave their hand, some smile at me but I just keep walking with no expression on my face.

I walk into my office to see everything in perfect order and a caffè mocha on my desk.

I couldn't help but break into a smile, I would never admit this but I can't survive a day without Echo.

"You are smiling that means it's a good morning !"

Speak of the devil. A bored sign escapes me as he continues to ramble about my mood.

It's been almost two years but I still can't seem to let him go. I mean how can I he was my soulmate. But whenever I am with Echo, he always manages to lift my mood.

He has become family to me. I met him at a bar. His boyfriend broke up with him in front of my eyes.

I thought he would start crying or maybe drink his way to forget about it. But man I was wrong. He sat down and enjoyed the night with me - a stranger.

When I asked him why, his answer was, "I don't need him to be happy. It's my life and if he doesn't wish to be in it, I ain't forcing him. I always knew I deserved someone better anyways."

"Earth to Kara. Are you even listening ? You know what, don't answer that. I know you're not." He pouts.

"Sorry. I'm a little distracted. Didn't have a good night's sleep. Can you repeat the important stuff ?"

"Fine. As I was saying, Mr. Williams is here."

"I don't remember any Mr. William. Who are you talking about ?". Who is this again ? I am not very good with names but no one has to know that except Echo.

"Adrian Williams. John asked me for his appointment so I thought he told he was coming. I don't know why but you better call him because Mr. Williams here doesn't seem like waiting."

Dad never forgets something like this. And Adrian ? I have heard that name before..

"Adrian Williams ? David Williams' son ?" But why is he here ? And why didn't dad tell me ?

"The very same."

I ask Echo to tell him that I had to look upon some important staff matter and offer him drinks or something. Meanwhile, I cal dad. He picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello Darling, you can't stay away from me, can you ? Don't worry. It's only been an hour since you left."

"Dad, did you call Adrian Williams to meet me without my consent ?" I don't beat around the bush and ask straight away.

"Oh yes. I forgot to mention that I offered his father help. He was having trouble training Adrian for become the next CEO of Williams & co. So I thought why don't you train him ? The Williams helped me a lot when I first cam into business. They were actually my first investors. What do you think ?"

"Do I even have a choice ?"

I know I don't have a choice. But I'll do it because he is my everything. He raised me like his own. I owe my life to him.

If it weren't for him I would've been in some orphanage. But we love each other and it never feels like I am not his own blood.

"Sorry honey but it'll do you good to meet new people and socialize. How long has it been since you last spoke with Spencer and Maya ? Your life revolves around me and work."

"What's problem with work now ?" I am an idiot. Why am I pushing it ?

"Echo told me you have been at the company each weekends I'm gone. And I your normal routine is not healthy. It contains a lot of working. Don't make me regret handing down the company to you."

"Okay. Dad, I have to go meet Mr. Williams before he dies of waiting. Bye."

"Bye. Love you."

I need Echo to stop telling dad everything. He's my assistant for a reason.

I know he's just trying to take care of me but whenever I'm not working my mind is on him. Only him. Work is my distraction. And I need that distraction to be able breathe

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Question : Who loooooves Niall Horan ?? I have been listening to heartbreak weather on loop and I just can't get enough of it.. Totally looove his music. 🤩
Love you all.

- Hope

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