chapter 6

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I am scared

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I am scared. I am scared for Alaska. My cookie. I'm so stupid. I should have never cut ties with her.

She is my goddaughter. But I haven't seen her for almost two years. She must be 3 years old now. I still remember the first words she spoke, the first time I saw her..

I am on my way to the hospital right now. When I saw that Maya was calling me I knew it would be important.

She tried to be there for me first but I pushed her away just like I did with everyone else. She wouldn't call after almost two years just to say hello.

She told me Cookie was in an accident and she is out of town for shooting of her latest film.

I don't want to loose her. I won't. I'll do anything to save her. I don't even know if it was major accident or if she is hurt. All I know is I can't loose her.

The car stops and I realise that we've reached the hospital. I quickly make my way to the reception and ask her for my cookie,

" I am looking for Alaska Soni. She was admitted here after a car accident half an hour ago. Can you tell where I can see her ?"

"Are you family ?"

Really ? Doesn't she care that a three year old child is alone being treated for something ? I'll have talk to the head after I see cookie.

"Yes. I'm family. I'm actually her godmother. Just tell me her room number." I command in an authorative voice.

She seems a little scared at my sudden outburst and says, " S-She is i-in room n-number 329 on t-the third floor."

I smirk at her shaky voice and mumble a little okay before running to the elevator. I press the button and wait for it to reach the third floor.

I look around and I see a little plate written 329. I can see a little girl crying while the nurse is saying something to her.

I visibly relax seeing that she is not hurt. I knock on the door and step in gaining both of their attention.

She is so beautiful. Her hazel eyes widen when she sees me. She immediately stops crying and gestures me to come near.

I sit beside her. Her shaky baby voice melts my heart when she says, "Ro ?"

"Yes." I can't believe she remembers. Can children's memory be this strong ?

"Ma showed me your photos. You are back from work ?"

Oh. Now I know, Maya must have showed all our pictures. She was always a sucker for those old pics, tapes and videos.

"Yes. I'm back. Now I'll be here. Always."

"Pinky Pwomise ?" She is so like her mother. Maya probably raised her giving 'pinky promises'. That girl.

I interwine our pinkies and say," Pinky Promise."

Her eyes lit up when I say that and she hugs me close. Her hands can't reach far so I slowly take her in my lap.

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