Chapter 10

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I greet the members of the football team that came to celebrate the victory

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I greet the members of the football team that came to celebrate the victory. 

I don't know where Spencer is. That Fucker is late. 

And Oh yeah ! I've been drinking so my language is not going to be very nice.

Adam is talking about something that happened while they were on tour. But I'm not listening anymore.

I look around to see the Looks girls are giving me like I'm some juicy fruit they want to taste. Ugh. 

To be honest, I was not popular in high school. I played no games so people only knew me as a genius kid because I used be the first in class.

I was never a player or heartbreaker. Yes, the magazines nowadays do give me those titles but they are simply not true.

I know what heart break feels like and I would never do that someone.


Can I just say I hate that nickname. That is such a shitty nickname. Who wants to be called Rainy ? But who would make my Best friend understand that.

I turn around with a scowl knowing it was Spencer. But what I see has me shocked ! 

There he stands, smiling, his hand wrapped around a girl's who looks very familiar. 


My eyes widen upon seeing her. But her face remains stoic. He told me his high school crush is coming to the party.. IT'S HER ! 

Why didn't he tell me she had a daughter ? Does he even know ?

I give Spencer a 'We need to talk but later' look and hope he understands. 

"Rainy, this is Jasmine and Ro, This is Adrian." Spencer introduces us, not knowing that we already know each other.

"My name's not Jasmine but I won't argue." Kara replies. It seems like this has some history so I won't ask. Not now.

I shake her hand but her eyes are trained behind me.

For the first time I see an emotion in her eyes. Guilt. Anger

I turn back and follow her line of gaze. It's a painting. A painting my mother gifted me because she knew I'd love it.

The painting is actually very beautiful. It's a side face of a girl with a butterfly resting below her eyes. The only thing is black and white except the eyes.

The eyes are of blue colour. The artist surely loved those eyes because they are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I get lost seeing that painting. It's a masterpiece.

Spencer notices this and nudges and Kara both out of it. She speaks first,

"Where did you get this painting ?"

Her voice is so sad. It's like she's defeated and is accepting it.

"My mother got it from a charity auction, thinking I would love it and I do. It's simply beautiful."

She nods her head slightly and walks away without any explanation or regards.


It's been an hour and I have been drinking a little bit too much. In short, I'm tipsy. I can't help but stare at Kara. 

She looks so beautiful. Her Blond hair are perfected in curls. The black dress she is wearing brings out her black eyes. 

I don't know why but her black eyes look a little odd. As if her eyes should be of different color.

She is the image you'll get if you search 'beautiful' on google. 

I can't help but think wonder how she is, as a person ? I mean, no one can be so emotionless there has to be a reason.

Who is she ?

She standing in the middle of the room holding a flute but I've noticed that she never actually took a sip.

She looks down at her watch which I've seen her wear regularly. It's a smart watch with rose gold belt.

She gives Spencer a look, who is standing in a corner talking to his teammates while she glares at a person who was approaching her. I guess she's not in the mood to talk.

He nods and she smirks with an evil glint in her eyes.

The lights go off and I hear a few screams. I don't know what's happening. I look around to see people trying to switch on their mobile lights and I look up at the chandelier, A habit of mine to distract me in situations like these. 

But what I see, leaves me horrified. I look at the dance floor to see Kara still wearing a smirk on her face.

My brain goes numb. I hate how everytime when I'm under pressure, my brain stops working. But I find myself shoving aside the people in front of me, making my way towards her.

The lights come back but instead of being relieved, a look of confusion crosses her face. She seems uncertain and confused but she hides it well.

Someone screams from outside but I don't pay attention to that. I need to get to her.



How was the chapter ? I know I haven't been updating but I wrote this chapter 17 times to get the last part. I know it still sucks but I swear I'll edit it. I'll also be updating the chapter because it's too short.

Btw, How did you like the cliffhanger ? You surely guessed what happened ? No ? Yes ?

The painting above is kinda similar. Just imagine it without the freckles and colour the eyes ocean eyes.


(I totally did not start singing say something. Nope.)

What's your new year's resolution ?

I don't have one because let's be honest, no one is actually going to follow it.

Okayyy.. I'll let you go because no one likes to read long A/N at the end. 

Love ya ! 😘

- Hope

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