chapter 17

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I think I'll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky

I think I'll miss you foreverLike the stars miss the sun in the morning sky

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"You killed her just like you killed your mother. No wonder you did, you were born a killer. You took away everything from me. You knew how much she meant to me. You need help there's something wrong with you I swear. What did she ever do to you. She loved you. You didn't deserve a friend like her. She was my better half and she loved you more than she loved me but you killed her."

Those are the words echoing in my head as I walk into the company headquarters.

It's Monday. Many people hate this day because they'd rather party like they did all weekend.

I like Mondays because I can sulk in my office and ignore the voices in my head. Also because I can scream at people for no reason.

I haven't been at my father's and Echo's place all weekend and probably won't any time soon because they'll force me to the monthly check up.

I like how the sound of my heels tapping on the floor makes everyone scram back to work, it makes me feel in power, like I have control over something in my life.

"Bonjour, tu es belle aujourd'hui", Echo greets me as I step out of the elevator, handing me my third coffee.

(Tr : You look beautiful today.)

"les conceptions du projet à venir sont-elles prêtes ?", I ask him

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"les conceptions du projet à venir sont-elles prêtes ?", I ask him.

(Tr : are the designs for the upcoming project ready ?)

"I think so. They're waiting for you", he answers me, following me to the meeting room.

I nod and ask if Adrian is joining us and he says yes.


Everyone's eyes are on me, expecting a reaction.

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