saving the school {15}

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Saving the school
"I knew you could do it Harry!"
y/n pov:

I walk into a room holding Harry's hand and hear.... fluttering? I look up and see.. birds? No no those are keys huh I wonder what they're there for.....

"I wonder what the purpose of the keys are" I ponder allowed

"I wonder if they'll attack when we cross the room" Harry asks

"No I think you have to catch the one that unlocks the door" Ron says
"How am I supposed to do that Ron" Harry whines
"With the broomstick of course" Hermione says pointing in the corner where a broom stick awaited
"Oh" Harry said staring at the broomstick
"It should be an old one with a bent wing since it's already been caught" I say smartly
"Ok your right who should try and catch it" Harrys asks looking around
"You obviously" Ron snorted
"b-b-b-uu-tt" Harry stuttered
"Oh Scarhead come on your the youngest seeker in at least a century, I believe in you" I say slightly squeezing his hand.
He nods and smiles at me, lets go off my hand and walks over to the broom and mounts it ready for take off...
Harry did it he caught the key and got us safely through the door!!
I beamed and ran into his arms giving him a huge huge he was quick to wrap his arms around me.
"I knew you could do it Harry!!" I exclaimed my voice being slightly muffled due to the fact I had my face nuzzled into the crook of Harrys neck.

We then took in our surroundings which included an annoyed Hermione and Ron and an abandoned... Grave yard? No wizards chess? Or regular chess? The board was huge and so were the players. When we stepped forward the whole room fully lit up. Scary..... We tried to make our way across but a chessman stopped us Ron nervously asked
"Do we have to play to get across"
The chessman nodded. Who knew they could nod! This is freaky.
Ron starts assigning roles for who will play what I'm the queen. As I should be, Hermione's my side castle, Rons the knight and Harry is the bishop (?)

I sorta zoned out because I didn't have to move so I ended up staring intently at Harry who was watching the game intensely, my stomach erupted in butterflies when Harry caught me staring and smiled at me im sure my face flushed a rosy pink. I tore my gaze away and focused on the game. Thats when I realized Ron was going to sacrifice himself!!!
"No Ron you cant!!" I scream
"There must be another way!" Hermione adds on
Ron makes some great big speech about how Harry has to go on so if he must sacrifice himself to help Harry get ahead. And with that he moves forward and his horse is smashed to bits he falls of screaming and hits the floor getting knocked unconscious.

Hermione and I start to run towards Ron, but Harry stops us by shouting
"Stop!!! Were still playing!!"
He then makes a final move winning the game for us we all run over to Ron's unconscious body. Ron is alive. Thank god. Hermione decides to go back owl Dumbledore and take Ron to the hospital wing.

Harry and I enter a new room a awful smell instantly fills our senses causing us to gag and hurry past the troll that appeared to be knocked out. We pushed through the doors and were faced with a table with potions on it and a slip of paper that had a riddle to solve what potions to drink. Fire suddenly blocks both the doors forcing us to figure out what to drink to get us through the flames.

I quickly read the riddle, it was honestly easy but most wizards don't have common sense. I drank some of the potion that will get me back the way we came from because the potion to get through the new door had only enough for one.

I watched Harry go through the flames safely and gave him a reassuring smile before walking back into the room with the troll. When I walked in I was faced with a very awake and angry troll, I let out a scream as it raised its club and hit me very hard. I flew across the room hitting a wall and was knocked unconscious.

When I woke up I saw Harry sitting in a chair asleep

"w-wher-e a-arre we?" I muttered I was dizzy and my whole body hurt

"AM I DEAD" I screeched sitting up quickly. Big mistake my vision turned black and I flopped back down on my bed closing my eyes breathing heavily.

Harry jolted awake "Y/n your finally awake!" he said smiling

"what happened to the stone? Are you ok?" I ask unable to hide the concern in my voice as I grab his hand pulling him close to me

Harry smiled before sitting on my hospital bed next to me

"Star calm down everything is fine the stone is going to be destroyed im ok don't worry" Harry said wrapping his arms around me

3rd person pov-

The y/c haired girl nuzzled her face into the crook oh Harry's neck wrapping her arms around his torso while his were wrapped around her waist.

Harry looked down on the young half veela and noticed she was asleep, her face was still nuzzled in the crook of his neck her warm breath tickled his neck.

Dumbledore arrived to the hospital wing to check on Y/n and see if she was awake but instead found two eleven year old's cuddled together sleeping peaceful. Dumbledore smiled to himself remembering James and Lily.

-Time skip to house cup awards -

the group of four first years lowered their heads in shame as Dumbledore announced "SLYTHERIN WINS THE HOUSE CUP" cheers exploded from the Slytherin table. Harry saw Draco wink at y/n causing her to roll her eyes and to Harrys annoyance blush. Draco smirked satisfied at the flustered girls blushing state.

Dumbledore decided to give out last minute points causing Gryffindore to win the house cup

The whole hall erupts in cheers and happy cries.

The twins lift y/n onto their shoulders screaming and cheering, y/n smiles and cheers before looking to Draco and sending him a wink for revenge.

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