Trap door{13}

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A/n: sorry it took so long to upload depression hit me like a bus🚊🤸🏼‍♀️ anyways this song doesn't go with the chapter until the golden four are almost eaten alive. also im gunna start putting quotes from the chapter at the begging of the chapter

                              •Trap Door
   "Were in this together i will always be by your side and hold your hand through whatever                      challenges we face"

3rd person pov: todays the day, the day that four first years will risk their lives to save the school. The boy who lived will once again face he who must not be named.

the four young Gryffindors sneak their way to the portrait hole after every went to bed , but before they could leave they hear
"Trevor shhh go back to bed your not supposed to be here!!" Ron tries to reason with a toad. But the toad being a toad just blinks back at the four
"And neither should you" Neville steps out from behind a couch wearing adorable blue pjs with teddy bears on them.
"Your sneaking out again-" neville exclaims but before he can continue he's interrupted by Ron
"Oh come on Neville dont be stupid!"
"I am not stupid!!"
Y/n and Mione exchanged glances silently coming to an agreement.
"Im so sorry about this Nev..." y/n said sadly before casting " Petrificus Totalus" Nevilles arms and legs snapped together he fell over frozen on the floor
Y/n looked down on him sadly
"Im so sorry" she said crouching down to pick him up and lay him on the couch and throw a blanket over his stiff body
Seeing this warmed Harry's heart, watching how kind but determined y/n is and how she always makes sure her friends are happy and comfortable were some of his favorite things about the young girl she was indeed very pretty but her veela traits haven't fully even kicked in Harry couldn't imagine how pretty she'll be in 3rd year...
" come on then we've already wasted enough time as it is" Ron's voice interrupted the peaceful quiet.
Y/n quickly slipped under the cloak standing extremely close to Harry causing both they're faces to flush. And what surprised them even more is when y/n grabbed Harry's hand, after this Harry felt like there were butterflies flying around in his stomach .
The four walked on silently until they came across Mrs.Norris and before Harry, Y/n, or Hermione could object Ron kicked her down the stairs but Y/n quickly cast a spell Ron and Harry hadn't heard of before to save Mrs.Norris from any injuries she just got a good scare, according to Hermione the spell   Y/n cast was very advanced magic and is taught later on in 5th year so its amazing that y/n knew it and could perfectly cast it as well. Y/n scolded Ron for kicking Mrs.Norris and hit the back of his head with the hand that wasn't holding Harrys.

The four young 1st years continued on down the dimly lit hallway hidden under Harrys invisibility cloak. The finally reach the entrance to the trap door
"Are you guys ready?" Harry asked nervously
"I understand if you want to back out-" y/n cut him off
"Were in this together i will always be by your-side and hold your hand through whatever challenges we face" y/n said squeezing Harrys hand reassuringly.
"yea mate we're sticking by your side" Ron said with a smile
" Harry you idiotic git did you really think any of us would leave you" Mione said smacking the back of Harry's head

"well alright here we go" y/n said and pushed through the door Fluffy started growling at the four first years before y/n had the brilliant idea and started singing

"The moon is high
Like your friends were the night we first met
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all the books beside your bed

The wine is cold
Like the shoulder I gave you in the street

Y/n's voice was so angelic the other 3 stood in a daze as Fluffy layed down to sleep, only y/n's frantic waving as she sang she snapped the three out of the daze and pointed to the door motioning for them to all jump together on a count of three

Y/n stopped singing as she jumped along side Harry their hands still connected. And Ron and Hermione jumped as well they landed in some soft vines which y/n immediately recognized as devils snare Hermione must of had the same realization because both girls shouted
"Stop moving this is devils snare"
they relaxed and slid through the vines landing bellow, Harry finally let go of y/n's hand once she was through the vines
Harry and Ron were freaking out until they heard y/n's voice from bellow
"Relax guys if you dont relax it will only kill you faster!!"
Harry feeling instantly calmed by y/n's comforting voice encouraging him to relax slipped through the vines leaving a terrified Ron.
"Hes not relaxing is he?" Mione stresses
"Oh no hes not... Ron please calm down" y/n anxiously says
"Oh were gunna have to kill it but how?" Mione whimpers
"Lumos solem" y/n shouts causing the vines to release Ron
Y/n runs over to him tackling him into a hug
"Ron I was so worried about you oh my merlin im so glad your ok"
Jealousy pricked at Harrys heart as Ron wrapped his arms around y/n bringing the girl into his chest
"ok come on guys we have to go snapes getting closer to the stone by the minute!!" Mione exclaims
"Yeah lets go you can hug later" Harry says rather harshly
Y/n looks slightly hurt by Harrys words he instantly feels bad for hurting her feelings. Harry made a mental note to apologize later but for now he knew he had to save the stone so he walked onward. The young boy didn't notice the soft footsteps that belonged to y/n rush after him, he only noticed she was there when he felt her grab his hand intertwining their fingers. Harry smiled lightly at the girl who temporarily put her head on his shoulder rather lovingly. Harry could feel Rons death glare and couldn't help but feel bad for Ron.

He shook of those feelings and continued walking deeper under the school ready to face whatever challenges were next knowing he had y/n by his side comforted him greatly.

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