the letters{1}*

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Y/n wakes up a faint smile on her face remembering today she was supposed to get her Hogwarts acceptance letter. She rolled over looking at her bestfriend Hermonie Granger sleeping peacefully next to her. Not for long she thought with a smirk

"MIONEEE WAKEEE UPPPP" y/n yells jumping up and down childishly

Hermione wakes up with a start and grabs y/n's foot causing her to fall back down on the bed with a screech and they both fall into a laughing fit.

After the girls finally stop laughing they got ready y/n put on a soft white sweater and black mom jeans that she tucked her sweater into. Mione wears a grey sweater and dark blue jeans she puts her fizzy hair up in a bun with some help from y/n since her hair was difficult to tame. Y/n puts her hair into two braids.

The girls quickly hurried downstairs too see their parents happily chatting and eating breakfast. Y/n's mom teased the girls for being late but simply heated up their breakfast with a simple wave of her wand.

Hermione sits between her parents and y/n sit in between hers. When everyone finished eating Rina their family owl swooped in and dropped off two letters one for y/n and one for Hermione they quickly tore open their letters excitedly. Both girls were accepted to Hogwarts and were very happy they would be together.

" I can't believe we are both going to Hogwarts together! We have to be in the same house "

"Y/n your probably going to be in Gryffindor your reckless whilst im calm and collected I'll be in Ravenclaw "
Mione replied. Y/n just rolled her eyes gave her a smirk and said
"Im smarter than you so I'll be in Ravenclaw if you are so there"
Y/n giggled but ran off knowing Mione would run after her soon. She can hear her parents laughing happily at something the Grangers must of said life was simple and happy. Neither girl knew how much their lives were going to change once they met Harry Potter.

Hermiones pov~

I watch Y/n as she runs off I chase after her screaming "Y/N ROSECHARM YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT" I chased her through the many halls of her family's mansion which is where we were staying she had two homes a regular muggle one like mine and this huge mansion it was stunning and had such a warmth to it , I loved staying here. finally I see Y/n skid into her room and I tackle her we fall over onto her bed laughing , I look over at my best friend she is absolutely beautiful yes the fact that she is half veela does help, but still she'd be gorgeous without the veela magic. Putting my thoughts of how beautiful y/n was aside,

" I AM  THE SMART ONE Y/N ROSECHARM"  I gasped in between laughs



"no way missy"

"yes way missy"

"uhm yea....NO"

Knowing how stubborn y/n was I came up with a compromise suggesting that we were equally as smart she agreed with a smirk and twinkle in her eyes.

"Hermione , y/n come on girls im going to apparate ( i think i spelled that wrong oops)  us to Diagon alley to get you girls your school supplies !!"  Lydia Rosecharm Y/n's mother said happily

me and y/n shared an excited look and squealed in unison  " coming!!!!"

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