Platform 9 3/4 { 4}

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(An-Yes im making the Dursleys good loving relatives )
Harrys Pov-
I woke up too a smiling Dudley who giggled and asked if I was excited to go to Hogwarts I smiled and said I was I was so happy to go but I would miss my family even though they weren't my mum and dad they still raised me as one of their own ,
" hopefully you can come with me next year!" I exclaimed
Dudley grinned and nodded his head his fluffy hair bouncing about
~time skip to after harry gets through the platform~
I miss the Dursleys already Ive never been away from them for more than a week but even then I had Dudley there with me. My thoughts were interrupted by a tall lanky red haired boy who looked to be about my age
" do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full"
The red head asked I smiled and said "sure come in"
"Im ron by the way, Ron weasley"
"Harry, Harry potter"
the boys eyes widened in shock
"d-do you r-real-ly hav-e it-" he stuttered out
"what?" I asked confused
"y-y-your scar-"
"Ohhhh" I smiled and lifted my hair showing off my scar that was shaped like a lighting bolt
"Blimley thats amazing!!"
but before I could respond a pretty girl walked into our compartment , I recognized her from Ollivanders she smiles at me
"Nice to see you again Harry" her voice is so pretty I blush
"Nice to see you too"
She then turns to Ron and smirks
" well if it isnt my least favorite weasel" she teases
Ron smirks and runs up to y/n picks her up and throws her over his shoulder they both are giggling messes
I felt my heart slightly sink as I see his arm wrapped around her waist, I wish I was holding y/n as we laughed together

Y/n pov-
"Ron *gasp* put *giggle/gasp* me down *gasp* now" I scolded trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard I lift my head up and see Harry he looks sad I wonder why
Ron finally puts me down and flops down on the huge cushioned seats and I put my head in his lap and he braids little bits of my hair
"So uhm how do you two know each other " Harry asks and before I could even open my mouth to say anything
"Are you two dating" he sounded angry but I ignored it thinking I was insane
"Oh no hahaha I've known ickle ronniekins here since we were five I stayed at his house alot when I cant stay at my neighbors expect during summer because my family travels for work and can't bring me , my mom and dad are Aurors and my uncles the Minister of magic himself" I say with a smile. Harry looks amazed he's cute with a shocked expression, i mean he's always cute but still focus y/n when I finally snap out of my day dream I hear Ron finishing up a story of when we pranked Fred and George or as I call them Gred and Feorge
When my bushy haired bestfriend walks in
"Have you seen a toad a boy named nevilles lost one"

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