Meeting Malfoy { 3}

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Y/n pov- I am suddenly grabbed by my mom which startled me I had zoned out while she was talking to Rita that lady really annoys my family. My mom takes me and Hermione over to a lady who looked around my moms age and next to her a cute blonde boy he looked up and locked eyes with me giving me a smirk he stuck out his hand and introduced himself as

" Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"

" pleasure to meet you Mr .Malfoy " I say with a smirk

he blushes , rosy cheeks look cute oh him.. no y/n stop it we are not crushing on boys we are 11!!

I turn my attention back to Malfoy and Hermione who were getting along great!! they were smiling, laughing, and talking about which lessons they were most excited for. I joined in saying I was looking forward to everything but History of magic since me and Hermione read everything and could probably teach the class ourselves. Draco laughs and tells me he might need me to tutor him him with a wink I felt my cheeks flush but I said of course and winked back this time it was his turn to blush

Sadly we hear Draco's mum telling him its time to go he moves to shake our hands but me and Mione smirk at each other and give each other a knowing look before we both give Draco hugs he was taken aback at first heh cute. but he realxed and hugged us back he waved a final goodbye and winked as he and his mom walked away

~ time skip to after you and Mione got all your school supplies except wands~

3rd person pov-
Two girls walk into Ollivanders wand shop the old man smiles down on at them
"Hello miss Rosecharm and miss Granger, I was wondering when you'd wander into my shop"
Ollivander gives Hermione a wand and its the right wand for her. Y/n looks at her bestfriend in amazement
~ quick time skip until after you tried like 3 wand~
As y/n is about to try a fourth wand a raven haired boy with glasses and a lighting shaped scar walks in
"Harry Potter Ive been awaiting the day you set foot in my wand shop!!" Ollivander calls out
Y/n heart speeds up as she thinks to herself
Harry Potter
The boy who lived

Ollivander hands y/n another wand "11 1/2 inches  wood was made from a weeping willow , unicorn hair infused with diamond core, this is a very powerful wand miss Rosecharm im sure you will do great things with it" y/n smiled happily at the old man and admired her wand it was white with gold and black vines curled around it blue sapphires incrusted in the vines.

" woah that wand is amazing" the raven haired boy says

y/n turns to him with a playful smirk " just like me" she says with a wink " im Y/n Rosecharm nice to meet you "

Harry looks at the girl smiling at him with her hand extended for him to shake 'wow she's stunning' he thinks to himself

they shake hands and she turns to introduce him to Mione but she sees that Hermione was outside waiting for her to leave, y/n turns to Harry smiling sheepishly and apologizes that she has to leave he smiles and says its ok she waves goodbye and walks away
Shes so beautiful Harry thinks blushing as y/n walks away

Little did Harry know a certain Blonde haired boy had watched them the whole time they were together in ollivanders

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