hogwarts feast { 7}

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Y/n pov-
After Dumbledore gives his speech he waves his hand and a ton of food appears infront of us I giggle as Rons eyes go wide and he grabs like 10 chicken wings that boy eats a lot jeez. I grab some apple slices and cherries munching on them contently Hermione gives me a sad look she knows I struggle with eating but the boys are oblivious to it so thats good
~time skip to after the feast~
after looking around the common room the boys decided they were going too go to bed I wave at Ron but pull Harry into a hug he blushes and mutters a
"Night star"
"erm- yeah i-i thought it was a good nickname f-for you i-i guess haha uhm sorry do you not like it? I can come up with a new one"
" its ok Harry I just well no one's really come up with a nickname for me besides Lily or N/n"
"Wait why do people call you Lily? That was my moms name"
"Oh my middle names Lilian so my family calls me lily for short"
"Aww thats cute"
"Make me" he says with a smirk
Bold potter Bold
"Goodnight potter" I say with a smirk as I roll my eyes
Sorry this chapters short Sophie don't kill me I'll update again tomorrow

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