summer {18}

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"Star wars?"
Y/n pov:

I've been home for a month now my summer so far has consisted of swimming with my mom in our pool, practicing quidditch with my dad, calling Mione and studying for next year.

But todays the day that Harry arives I am so excited to see him. We've sent letters back and forth every day but still I get to see him in person today which is way better. We were going to the fair tomorrow I was so excited.

I wad getting ready for the day I decided to wear a shirt and sweats since it was just going to be a movie relax day. (Photo at bottom)

Once I was changed and ready I got the TV room ready for Harry and I to binge movies. His room was already set up it's right next to mine. Finally Harry arrived I slid down the stairs on the railing to reach the front doors quicker.

Harrys pov:
Aunt Petunia drove me to Y/n's manor holy its huge

Harrys pov: Aunt Petunia drove me to Y/n's manor holy its huge

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(The Front)

(The Front)

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(The back)

Back to harrys pov>>>>>

When I knocked on the door I heard a voice call out
The double doors flew open and there stood a grinning Y/n she happily jumped into my outstretched arms wrapping her legs around my waist I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and walked inside. Aunt Petunia followed after us once Y/n jumped down from my arms Aunt Petunia complimented her lovely manor, causing y/n to blush and say thanks. Y/n looks really cute when she smiles. Y/n's parents come down and start talking to Aunt Petunia I give her a hug goodbye then Y/n grabs my hand and pulls me up her grand staircase. She shows me her room (photo at bottom) and then the room next to her which will be mine theres a door inside the room that connects our rooms which is really cool. I drop all my stuff off and Y/ns house elf Wren uses magic to unpack everything.
"Sooo what movie do you want to watch first" Y/n asks wrapping her arms around my torso and looking up at me.
"Star Wars?"

We are now about to watch the fourth Star Wars movie we've been binging them and cuddling im sure my heart is beating crazily fast I don't know how Y/n can have her head on my chest right now. Im not complaining though. I look down to make a joke about a scene that just happened but see y/n fast asleep, I look at the time. It's midnight I decided we should probably go to bed I woke Y/n open and she sleeping gets up her arms still wrapped around my torso and her head resting on my shoulder. I bring her into her room and tuck her into bed. She kisses my cheek and mumbles a goodnight making me blush.
"Goodnight Star" I look back and she's already asleep. She looks so peaceful and happy when she's sleeping. I noticed the flannel she was wearing was mine I gave it to her during the school year when we were studying in the library and she got cold.

 I noticed the flannel she was wearing was mine I gave it to her during the school year when we were studying in the library and she got cold

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The fit^

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