Hey Mr. Troll {11}

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Harry's pov:

"Wigardium Levioush" Ron screeches crazily whacking is wand around in air I chuckle as he struggles the girls roll their eyes and say

"stop stop stop your going to take someone's eye out besides its leviosAA not leviousUH"

they said that in sync!!I thought only twins did that?!

Ron retorts with "well if you two are so clever why don't you do it yourselves"

this idiot.

The girls look at each other eyes sparking

star looks so pretty her eyes sparkle like starts

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by y/n's feather tickling my nose and Professor Flitwick squealing with delight giving each of the girls 10 points

All of the sudden Seamus's feather explodes next to me covering his face in soot y/n giggles Seamus playfully glares at her and tells her to shut it she just sticks her tongue out at him she looks adorable

~small time skip until after charms class~ (also I'm sorry for any errors finals are next week im pretty sure im a zombie I also have part 1 of my Spanish final THIS friday)

3rd person pov:

as the young boys walked out of class Ron couldn't help but rant about the bushy haired girl but much to Harry's annoyance only spoke highly of Y/n

"I mean honestly she IS a nightmare I don't know how y/n stands her she's so sweet like merlin how is she real, I think she came from a fairy tale"

Just then a crying Hermione pushes a angry y/n following after her

Ron reaches for her hand but misses it as she storms past following Hermione

The whole day continued on the girls no where to be found

"Hey Lavender do you know where y/n and Hermione are" Harry asked the curly haired girl she looked up at him and giggled flashing a flirty smile scooting closer to him as he sat down, Harry simply flashed a awkward half smile back making her face flush red

"yes they've been in the girls bathroom all day y/n is comforting Hermione apparently she's been crying"

"ooo look at all the amazing food" she giggled Harry's eyes widened at the amazing feast before them. He was in the middle of talking to Lavender when Professor Quirell bursts through the doors screaming

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON TROLL IN THE DUNGEON jj-jus-tt thought you should know heh" before fainting. Chaos breaks out Lavender squeals in fear holding on to Harrys arm like her life depended on it. Dumbledore evacuates everyone to their houses but Ron pulls Harry aside reminding him of the girls and how they didn't know about the troll. Harry gulped but sprinted after Ron too save the girls. Just in time thankfully they burst in right when they heard screams, Harrys heart lurched thinking of sweet y/n in danger he and Ron bursts through the door just to see y/n flying across the room after getting hit rather hardly by the troll swinging his club around

Harry's pov;

I felt the world drown out as I saw y/n get hit not thinking of anything else I ran too her and held her small limp body in my arms she was passed out but much to by relief breathing. I was finally snapped back to reality when Madam Promfrey rushed in yelling at me to bring y/ n with me I gently set her down on a hospitable bed holding her hand while Madam Pomfrey tended to her, I eventually drifted off too sleep still holding her hand.

a/n-Sorry its short and I havent updated in forever lol I'll try to update tmmrwwwww peace out

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