the fair

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"Wake up sleepy head"

3rd person pov

Young y/n awoke with a smile on her face. Today she was going to the fair with Harry to celebrate his birthday, the girl could barely contain her excitement as she got dressed, wearing a sage green tank top with lace border lining the neckline and light blue mom jeans. She pulled her hair back with a white bandanna and put on socks. Once the girl was ready she walked into Harrys room to find him still sleeping. Y/n walked over to his bed and crouched down so she could look at his sleeping face, she couldn't help but smile and blush at his light snores. She gently shook him and as he slowly opened his eyes she greeted him.

"Wake up sleepy head"
"Hrmmblahh" the boy mumbled back sleepily she rolled her eyes at Harry's behavior, before throwing the covers off his body.
Harry screeched as the chilly morning air hit his now exposed body. Harry got out of bed shivering and threw on a hoodie and sweats over his t-shirt and shorts.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" y/n asked as she tackled Harry into a warm hug
"Wanna go downstairs and get some breakfast" y/n asked smiling up at Harry
"Sure and thank you" Harry responded a smile gracing his features. The pair walked down the stairs and into the kitchen while joking around. Y/n burst out laughing when she accidentally shoved Harry into a plant. Harry scowled playfully at the girl. One of her house elves appeared and cleaned up the mess from Harry falling into the plate.
Y/n watched as Harry got cleaned up by her elves magic. She was so confused about why she was so drawn to him, did she actually fancy him? Or were they just close friends. Y/n was confused about her emotions and decided to put them to the side. She knew there was no point in dating until at least third year.
As Harry watched y/n cook breakfast his mind was racing. He didn't know how to feel about her, he didn't want her to date anyone but he didn't know why. He thought he fancied her but now he wasn't so sure he was only twelve. He decided to push these feelings aside for a little bit.

Mr. and Mrs. Rosecharm appeared in the kitchen giving Harry a hug and then moving over to where their daughter was cooking, the three Rosecharms plus Harry talked excitedly about the day to come

Once breakfast was served and eaten Mr.Rosecharm held his arm out for Harry to grab whilst Mrs.Rosecharm had her arm out for y/n to grab. Harry suddenly felt like he was being twisted, stretched, and torn apart while Y/n was used to the feeling.

Once they arrived Harry looked around at the fair it looked like a lot of fun. Y/n was looking around excitedly trying to figure out which ride she wanted to go on first. Mr. and Mrs.Rosecharm gave the two wrist bands that would allow them on any ride they wanted to go on before leaving. Before they left they warned the two children too be safe and reminded them that they would be back to pick them up in five hours.

The two children nodded and hugged the older Rosecharms goodby and watched them leave before walking into the crowded fair.

Four hours passed quickly Harry and Y/n ended up splitting up for an hour when Harry saw Lavender Brown. Y/n wandered around until she found someone she knew who happened to be Draco Malfoy. The two decided to play bumper cars and had a great time, Draco had a real smile on his face as he looked at y/n attacking random people in her car. Unknown to the two in bumper cars they were being watched Harry who was inline for a ride he didn't know the name of watched the two. He felt guilty for ditching y/n for Lavender especially since Y/n brought him to the fair in the first place, Harry decided he would rejoin Y/n after this ride was over.

Y/n and Draco sat on a bench next to bumper cars sharing a cotton candy Draco insisted paying for, they were currently laughing so much y/n fell off the bench which made the two laugh even more. Draco composed himself enough to be able to help y/n up off the ground but instead she pulled him down with her. So they both layed on the grass laughing looking at the clouds until a shadow blocked y/n's view. When her eyes focused she saw Harry towering above her who smiled warmly at her but glared at Malfoy.

Harry extended an hand for Y/n to grab and pulled her up. He started to pull her away saying he wanted to go on the ferris wheel but y/n stopped him and walked back over to where Draco was. He was now standing and y/n wrapped him in a hug making him blush lightly.

"Thanks for keeping me company Draco"
"Anytime Y/n"

As Y/n walked back over to where Harry stood he had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Since when are you and Malfoy on first name basis" Harry asked annoyed
"Um since the end of the year I guess why" Y/n asked confusion written all over her face
Harry saw this and his hard gaze softened and he mumbled a "no reason just curious"
Y/n smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the Ferris wheel.

They were stopped at the top overlooking the whole fair. They sat in a comfortable silence, Y/n had her head resting on Harry's shoulder when she decided to break the silence.
"Hey Scarface?"
"Oi whats with the nickname! and yes?" Harry asked annoyed with Y/n's embarrassing nickname for him.

"What did Brown do to make you ditch her?"

"Oh nothing actually I just missed you"

"Aw I missed you too"

The Ferris wheel had moved down during their conversation and it was time for Harry and Y/n to go back to Rosecharm manor.

Mr. and Mrs.Rosecharm appeared infront of them once they stepped off the ride and apperated them back. The four ate dinner and watched a movie in the middle of the movie y/n brought Harry his cake which was flavored based off his favorite treat, a treacle tart.

The Rosecharms sang to him and ate cake together but Y/n's parents decided to turn in for the night before Harry opened his presents.

Harry and Y/n sat on his bed with his presents and Harry started to unwrap them Mr. and Mrs.Rosecharm had gifted Harry Quidditch through the ages and a new quidditch uniform. The Dursleys gifted him new school robes. Hermione had gotten Harry a enchanted quill that takes notes for him and a framed photo of Harry Herself Ron and Y/n they were all laughing and eating candy. Ron had gotten Harry sweets from Honeydukes, a sweater Mrs.Weasley knitted, and exploding snap. Hagrid got Harry a notebook and sent a cupcake he baked. And lastly Y/n, she got Harry and her matching bracelets that had a very strong protection charm on them. If both were wearing the bracelet and one of them got hit by anything that could kill them, including the killing curse, the spell would rebound and hit the person who cast it. The bracelets were small gold chains.

Y/n explained the reasoning behind the bracelets and Harry hugged her tightly. She pulled away handing him two more gifts the first he opened was a tin of treacle tarts that y/n had enchanted to be never ending. The last gift he opened was a black hoodie with a heating charm on it. He thanked y/n and gave her a final hug before she left to go to bed

The rest of the summer flew by Harry, Y/n, Ron, and Hermione had the time of their lives though. Though they were sad summer was over they were ready to start second year.

End of book one.......

book two coming soon:)

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