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A/n this book sucked lol im sorry 2nd year is gunna be really quick and be over soon then 3rd year will be good I promise LOL this chapter will probably be short lol

3rd person pov:
The four first years sat in their compartment looking out the window as it pulled away from the station and started on the journey back to platform 9 3/4.

Harry was talking to Ron about quidditch and turned to ask Y/n her opinion but found she was asleep with her head on the window, looking quite uncomfortable. Harry gently grabbed her in order not to wake her up and slowly lay down on the cushioned seats positioning her so she could sleep comfortably on his chest.

Ron and Hermione were deep in discussion by the time Harry and Y/n were settled and comfortable, so Harry decided to take a nap for the rest of the journey.

When Harry woke up due to Hermione shaking him and Y/n saying it was time to wake up. He flushed a deep shade of red at the sight of y/n still laying on his chest. She woke shortly though and sleepily rubbed her eyes. Realizing she was on Harrys chest she blushed and quickly sat up, offering her hand out to help pull Harry up. He accepted her hand and she helped pull him up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you" y/n said a pink blush dusting her cheeks

"Oh no its okay, gave me a reason to nap" Harry said with a grin
Y/n grinned back and the two started a conversation about summer and their plans. Y/n was going to spend a month at home then Harry was going to stay with her for two months then they'd both go to the Weasleys for two weeks with Hermione and after that Harry would return to the Dursleys, Y/n and Hermione would stay at Rosecharm manor for the rest of summer and go to school together. And Ron would stay at his house.

Though the pair didn't realize that they were still holding hands Ron and Hermione did. Ron managed to get over his crush on y/n and now had a big crush on Hermione. Ron and Hermione smirked at eachother looking back at Y/n and Harrys intertwined hands.

Y/n pov:
"No way Jelly slugs are definitely better then Berties Bean every flavor" I giggle at Harrys determination to win this debate

"No definitely not Berties Beans are better because you get more flavor options!!" Harry says determined

"Yeah but half of the flavors are disgusting but with Jelly slugs every flavor tastes good!"

"Fine you win" Harry says with an eye roll

"Yessss!!" I cheer and poke Harrys side making him roll his eyes and chuckle at my childish behavior

Sadly the train pulls into the station meaning it was soon time to go home. I bid my goodbyes to Ron and Hermione pulling them into hugs after we stepped off the train with our luggage. I turned to give Harry a hug but he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the Dursleys saying he wanted me to meet them. When we arrived to where they were standing Harry was swooped into hugs from his cousin aunt and uncle. They reunited for a bit and I stood there awkwardly a smile on my face, when Harrys Aunt Petunia noticed me.
"And who might this beautiful young lady be Harry dear" she asked in a sweet voice
"This is Y/n she's in Gryffindor with me and helped me alot this year" Harry said slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"Its very nice to meet you all, I've heard wonderful things about you guys" I say smiling while shaking their hands.
My parents come over to pick me up, introduce themselves and double check that the Dursleys are ok with Harry's summer plans. They are which is amazing Harry and I grin excitedly at eachother. Our familys seem to really hit it off and get along great which is amazing for Harry and I. Sadly its time to go I wrap Harry in one last hug as I wave goodbye while the Dursleys and Harry walk away.

"Ready to go home sweetheart?" Dad asks with a warm smile holding his hand out for me to grab
"Yes i missed being home" I say with a smile I look around for my mum to hold her hand but don't see her
"Wait wheres mom?!" I ask concern lacing my voice
"Dont worry sweetie she apparated home already with your luggage"
"Ohhhh okay"
I grab my dads hand again holding on tight as we whirl away and land in Rosecharm manor, I missed it here.

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