Sorting Hat { 6}

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Dracos Pov-
I watch as y/n as she leaves a compartment she should of been sitting with me. I will make her mine one day , father approves she is wealthy and famous though he isn't happy she is half blood he's ok with it.
I see y/n leave the changing rooms in her robes her face lights up when she sees me
"Hiiii Draco" she says with a smile
"Rosecharm, how are you ?"
"Good I'm m sorry to cut this conversation short but I have to go back to my compartment I have friends waiting" she says with a small smile
I watch as she leaves I wonder who she's sitting with im obviously better than them. Im a Malfoy for merlins sake!!!
~ time skip to before sorting hat time~
3rd person pov-
"So what they're saying on the train is true Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts this is Crabb and Goyle and im Malfoy. Draco Malfoy"
Ron snickers at the pompous boy
Malfoy turns and glares at him not noticing y/n standing on the other side of Harry.
"Think my names funny do you? Well theres no need to ask yours red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a weasley" "you wouldn't want to go making friends with the wrong sort I can help you there" Malfoy states with his hand out
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks"Harry says with a smirk and before Malfoy can respond
"I don't see anything wrong with hand me down robes and red hair is very pretty" a sweet voice says Malfoy looks over to see y/n and his face falls when he realizes she probably hates him now
"This is who you were sitting with on the train" Malfoy asks trying to hide the hurt in his voice
"Yes" y/n responds
*~*~*~*~*Time skip to sorting hat time*~*~*~*~*
Y/n pov-
"Hermione Granger" Mcgonagall calls out
I smile at my bestfriend as she walks to the Gryffindor table I turn my attention back to the sorting as Susan Bones becomes a Hufflepuff and Seamus Finnigan becomes a Gryffindor then Dean Thomas also joins Gryffindor.
I zone out until I hear Dracos name being called he of course gets sorted into Slytherin suits him
Then Harrys name gets called and there were alot of whispers he sits on the stool and after a REALLY long time he gets sorted into Gryffindor jeez the hat really took forever im hungry Harry why couldn't you be quicker meanie. Ron gets sorted into Gryffindor ("another weasley" from the sorting hat haha I wish Charlie was still here) then I hear my name get called after Pansy Parkinson gets sorted into Slytherin with Malfoy, I walk up to the hat and sit down on the stool Professor McGonagall places the hat on my head and I hear a voice

"where to put you hmmm your cunning and ambitious like a Slytherin yes yes but kind and caring like a Hufflepuff , brains of a raven claw lots of logic and problem solving skills Bold and brave like a Gryffindor now where to put you . You are very difficult indeed where you go may mean the difference between life and death situations beware there are plans for you , you are a very special girl wanted by many for powers beyond what you can imagine but you seem to of not discovered them yet you will sometime in 3rd year if you're still around I think now be careful for there are threats and plots against you though im sure you and the boy who lived can stop them together he looks at you with such admiration and affection he will not leave your side I predict now now I think you should be with future lover boy dont you?"

Then the hat calls out loud enough for everyone to hear " Gryffindor"
I smile and jump down walk down to the Gryffindor table and hear my fav twins screaming
" we got the famous ones" I roll my eyes at their silly behavior

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