oops/fluffy {9}

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an- I forgot too write about fluffy so here is a fluffy chapter with a tiny bit of fluff in it heh.. but y/n and harry are 11 so yea

Harrys POV- Malfoy challenged me to a duel for y/n but I told him its her choice and she would be upset if we dueled over her, she looked so happy when I said that she didnt actually hear me because both Malfoy and i wanted to keep our feelings a secret for now. Even after I refused to duel for her Malfoy still wanted to duel after curfew

Rons my second in the duel

Hermione and Y/n are scolding us for agreeing to the duel

The girls came with us and now were in a fight me and Ron against Hermione. y/n refuses to take sides but would be on Hermione's side. Once we entered the trophy room we heard Mrs.Norris and Flinch and realized it was a se up to get us in trouble. I screamed run and we all ran but skidded to a hault in front of a locked door. Ron and I started freaking out because duh THE DOORS LOCKED

"oh move over idiots" y/n says rolling her eyes

" Alhorma" she smirks as the door unlocks we all rush in. Hermione giving her a high five

"nice one star you saved us" I say with a smile she just smirks and winks at me .


my thoughts are interupted by y/n grabbing my hand and dragging me out

next thing I know were in the common room

"thanks for saving me star" I say wrapping my arms around her pulling her into a hug she stiffens at first but relaxes and hugs back

she mumbles "anytime scarhead" I chuckled slightly at her nickname for me

Next thing I know shes being pulled from my arms and Hermione is whisper shouting "now were going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse expelled"

y/n gives Ron a quick hug and he kisses the top of her head ruffling her hair after she rolls her eyes and says a final goodnight before getting dragged up the stairs.

"Do you like her?" I ask trying to hide the anger in my voice

Rons pov-

" Do you like her?" Harry askes failing to hide the anger in his voice. I like y/n. Alot but Im not going to tell Harry because he'd freak out, even though he doesn't need to I have no chance with her

"No mate her just super close and my hugs comfort her"

" oh okay. cool"

" do you like her"

"no I was just curious if you did.. um I didn't want to....er-... THIRD WHEEL yea yea just didn't want to have to third wheel"

"well okay then lets go to bed?"

"yea alright"

Harrys pov-

I lay in bed wondering why I lied to Ron. I like y/n but I'm not going to do anything about it. As I drift off to sleep dreaming of a certain girl

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