Diagon Alley {2}

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Y/n pov ~

Me and Hermione rushed the stairs my h/l flying behind me we skid to a hault infront of my mother who smiled and offered an arm to each of us we both grabbed on eagerly this was my first time traveling by apperating same with Hermione we looked at eachother nervously. Everything was a blur twisting and spinning my body felt like it was being twisted and stretched then everything was still the world stopped spinning I looked up gasping and saw Hermione doing the same I steadied myself and stood up looking around in awe, Diagon Alley it was truly an amazing sight happy chatter and laughs filling the air making me smile then suddenly a bright flash blinded me I looked up stunned to see no other than Rita Skeeters smiling face she squealed "your going to make the front page of the daily prophet!!" I blushed but loved the attention my family has been friends with Rita since before I was a baby her and my mom went to school together when they were my age

Rita Skeeters pov ~

I still couldnt believe my eyes standing infront of me was Y/n Rosecharm a half witch half Veela she was so pretty stunning I couldnt wait to show up to the daily prophet with my story on her she will be attending hogwarts I presumed in the calmest voice I could manage I asked her mother If I could follow them around while they bought school supplies her mother Lydia , my old school friend agreed we caught up on life for a little bit I then heard someone say

"Mrs. Rosecharm can I go shopping with Y/n we are very excited to get our school supplies." I look over to see a bushy hair girl huh idk who she is better introduce myself though she already knows who I am im sure because after all I am Rita Skeeter .

Hermonies Pov-
"Hello dear might I ask who are you? What are you doing with the Rosecharms? And yes it is I Rita Skeeter!!"
I look up to see a tall blonde woman with gold glasses and an obnoxious outfit on but I smiled and introduced myself

"Hello, im Hermione Granger I am Y/n's bestfriend we are currently getting school supplies since we got into hogwarts"

"Oh how nice.."
I smiled and nodded then looked around at my surroundings Diagon alley is truly gorgeous I can't wait to attend hogwarts

Dracos pov (surprised? Tehe <3 )

I land in Diagon alley dusting off any soot that got on me I look up to see my mother smiling kindly at me Im glad my mom took me to Diagon alley father had some business at work to take care of something about Fudge needing his help thats right the malfoys help the minister of magic ha were better than like everyone and were purebloods were basically the best out there
Who is that
my heart thumps loudly as I see a pretty girl with a pretty woman who I assumed to be her mom there was another girl there but she didn't look related to them at all must be a mudblood ew. But my attention is brought back to the beautiful girl and to my surprise my mom grabs my hand and pulls me towards the trio
Oh my god

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