Reunited {12}

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A/n- so we did a huge time skip to around the time where were gunna go down the trap door but I don't have time to write that right now so this is just a little filler chapter until after I'm done with finals next week then I get two weeks off and have nothing better to do so I'm going to update alot ,finish this book, start on the second one and yeah sorry this book was so short i'm just barely going through the first two years because not alot can happen until 3rd year and up I'm not sure if I'm gunna put any smut or not if I do it wont be until 5th or 6th year 3rd and 4th will just be fluff maybe some spice but we aren't going to offically get together with Harry until 6th year maybe ok anyway I'll stop rambling also y/n and Harry being the dumb kiddos they are obviously will fancy eachother but not realize the others feelings so they will both fancy other people and maybe date other people

LOTS OF FLUFF your welcome

y/n pov:

I was finally awake according to Madam Pomfrey I've been passed out since the troll incident it is now the last week of school as I enter the Gryffindor common room Hermione is the first to notice me she screams and runs over attacking me with a hug causing us to fall over rolling around the floor with our arms tightly wrapped around each other, Ron to rush over chuckling at me and Hermione hugging so hard we were slightly red. I noticed that Harry wasn't there and felt slightly hurt he wasn't here to greet me after I was basically in a coma for the year but it luckily me and Hermione are already two years ahead so I could miss next year too and not be behind in classes.

"oi get off her I want a hug too" Ron huffs after Mione let's go I launch myself into Ron's arms he picks me up spinning me around then puts me down and I decided to ask where Harry is

"Hey guys where's Harry? and what have I missed"

they quickly catch me up on the philosopher's stone and that we were going down the trap door that night, Harry was apparently on a walk or something.

woah I missed alot

3rd person pov:

the three children sat together in the common room chatting absent mindedly, the young half veela wrapped in her thoughts about a certain raven haired boy, she missed him and his cheesy awkward smile. Y/n decided she was going to go try and find Harry who wouldn't leave her thoughts. As she stood up to leave the portrait swung open revealing the very boy she was hoping the most to see.

Y/n smiled brightly as Harry layed his eyes on her they stared at each other for a moment before running into each others arms the two tripped and fell over onto the couch causing y/n to squeak in surprise which made Harry laugh , the two didn't realize this at the moment but everyone else noticed, how y/n's arms were still around Harry and currently being squashed due to the fact Harry landed on his back making y/n land on his chest with his arms still wrapped around her waist.

"Y/n I'm so glad your okay I missed you so much"

"I missed you too scarhead " y/n said as she rested her head on his chest. Harry smiled as he held y/n in his arms stroking her silky h/c hair, her body heat warmed him up after being outside in the cold. The four talked about all sorts of topics just catching up Harry noticed y/n had been oddly quite for a while so he turned his attention to the girl laying on his chest and realized she was asleep he smiled to himself as he thought of how peaceful she looked sleeping, eventually Hermione decided they needed to go to bed, Ron agreed excited to get y/n off of Harry. He wanted her to lay on him not Harry, much to Ron's disapointment Harry decided he was going to stay on the couch and sleep in order to not wake up y/n.

Rons pov;

Its 2am and I can't sleep I know I shouldn't but I want to go see y/n maybe I can wake her and get her to go to bed without waking Harry. I silently got out of bed even though it was only me and Harry in a dorm I still wanted to practice being silent for future years when I sneak out to snog y/n all night when were in third year maybe I just Harry didn't like her, but the good thing for me is she's spending the summer with me not Harry. As I walk down I realized that both Harry and Y/n are awake and having a conversation about summer I sit and listen on the stairs so they can't see me.

"Hey Harry do you think if I use my veela powers I could convince the Dursleys to let me stay with you during the summer" I heard y/n ask her voice slightly muffled because she had her face nuzzled into the crook of Harry's neck

" I hope so that would be really nice" Harry responded

" I'm supposed to stay with Ron but I stay with him alot and I don't want you all alone with those cruel muggles"

no y/n needs to stay with me at the burrow she can't stay with Harry all summer he will win y/n's heart by then

" I'm sleepy star"

Star? he has a special nickname for her-

"me too"

wait are they going to finally get off eachother?! thank merlin took them long enough

" well goodnight"


I scramble up to bed thinking Harry will be in soon but he never came I realized they slept on the couch the whole night cuddled up together. My heart burns with jealousy as I drift off to sleep

Y/n pov:

*flash* *flash*

I sleepily rub my eyes and see I grinning Hermione with a camera confused as to why she decided to take a picture of me sleeping I realized im in the common room sleeping on.... Harry? then I remembered last night and the possibility of spending the whole summer with the boy who's chest I'm currently laying on

"you better wake him up Rosecharm" Mione sasses

"Oi shut it Mione your going to wake him he looks so peaceful"

" okay silly come on lets go get ready"

I try to sit up but am immediately pulled back down a sleepy Harry mumbling something about five more minutes as he rolls onto his side bringing me into his chest and flinging a leg over mine trapping me in his embrace Mione decides to take a picture of this which snaps Harry into reality he flushes a deep red when he realized he was holding me in his arms I giggled

"good morning sleepy head"

"good mor-rning-g-g" Harry stuttered

"I've got to get ready but I don't want to move " I complain burrowing my face into Harrys chest

" same but we've got to get up"


I get up and kiss Harry on the cheek leaving him a blushing mess as I walk up to me and Hermione's shared dorm.

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