Jealousy { 10}

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a/n: so we did a lil time skip to Halloween I'm skipping flying lessons Harrys seeker y/n wont be on the team until 2nd or 3rd year

3rd person pov:

The halls of Hogwarts were buzzing with the exitment radiating off the students. It was Halloween after all everyone was excited for the feast espically the first years. Ron was shaking with exitment for all the food at the feast.

y/n and Ron were sitting in the common rooms chatting before Herbology in two hours the pair was waiting for Harry so they could all walk to class together .

" I wonder if they'll have chicken"

"of course they'll have chicken you weirdo " y/n replied rolling her eyes and playfully smacking his arm

"your going to regret that Rosecharm " Ron said with an evil smirk before tackling the young half Veela she laughed as Ron threw her over his shoulder her silky long h/c flowing around her. The pair of first years were so caught up playfully wreslting and rolling around the common room floor that they didn't notice the pair of jealous eyes that had watched the whole encounter.

Harry didn't know why he felt angry at Ron but he did. He wanted to be that close with y/n not Ron. He decided to go back to the boys dorms to think he layed down on his bed and must of fallen asleep because he was startled awake by someone sitting down next to him he opened his green eyes and was met with a pair of sparkling e/c eyes filled with worry.

"are you alright Harry?"
"Oh uhm yes im fine what time is it?"
" we have 30 minutes until charms"
"What about Herbology?"
"Oh you were asleep and looked so peaceful I didn't wanna disrupt you" her e/c glistened with fear. The young boy wasn't mad like she thought he would be instead he was happy that she cared about him so much. He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear but she flinched away thinking he was going to hurt her. Young y/n quickly apologized before trying to stand up and rush out of the room, but Harry was too quick he engulfed her in a massive hug. She was tensed up at first but as Harry whispered to her that its ok she relaxed and melted into his arms. The pair sat there in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company, but the sweet moment was sadly ended by Ron bursting through the door yelling that it was time to go to class.
The energetic ginger plucked y/n out of Harrys arms and tossed the girl over his shoulder grabbing her bags. While he runs out the door with a confused but giggly y/n Harry quickly follows laughing along with the other two, Though he couldn't help but wonder why she flinched at his touch but relaxes at Rons. The young boy made mental note to ask Ron about it later.
The Trio arrived in class 15 minutes early Hermione looked majorly impressed with the young witch that was currently thrown over Rons shoulder for getting the boys too class early. The young witch was put down shortly after though because Professor Flitwick yelled at Ron.

Y/n pov-
Charms class had started and I was seated in between Ron and Harry. Ron had Mione on his other side while Harry had Seamus Finnigan a fellow Gryffindor on his other side.


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