Waking Up...

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The first thing I felt was ice cold water being dumped on my head.

Gasping, my head shot up as my eyes opened, the only sound being my now chattering teeth, and the
soft whimpers coming from my mouth. I tried to raise my arms to wipe my face, only to discover I was laying on a bed, my limbs spread fully out and tied down. I did my best to look around and saw I was in a room that was more of a closet, with one small window and a itty bitty door across the room from the bed I was tied to. The walls were dark grey and it took me a good two minutes for my eyes to clear and center on anything. My vision finally focused, and I was met with a tall man standing at the side of the bed, holding the bucket that undoubtedly held my wake up call.

He didn't say a word. He watched me in silence, his expression never changing. In the quiet, I took in his long black leather coat, and scars on the lower half of his face. I felt the dread go from my head to my toes as my mind finally registered who was standing in front of me. I had seen the news. Watched as countless heroes fell to these people. Hawks had told me stories. And now, I was finally seeing everything myself.

The League Of Villains.

"Y-Y-You're...Dabi...", I said in a trembling voice, half in fear, half through my shivering.

Other than the barest smirk that graced his lips at my statement, his expression never changed.

"Well, well. So that idiot Kiego DID educate you, didn't he?"

Before I could say something that probably would've gotten me killed at someone talking bad about Kiego, the door slammed open and a little girl, maybe fourteen or fifteen, came bounding in.

"DABI! Why would you drench them like that ? It's supposed to be a hostage situation, not a torture session! God, I have no idea why he put you in charge..."

Dabi's eyes closed in annoyance, and I saw his chest rise in an exasperated breath. "Get out of here, Toga. I have it under control."

She merely rolled her eyes and surprisingly, actually left. I had barely even come to terms with how fast she had came and left, before she entered, this time with a towel. She started walking towards me and my whimpering got louder, as I started straining against the wet ropes that were burning my arms and legs.

Toga was apparently amused at my struggling. "Oh relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. I have a towel, don't I? I'm gonna dry you off and get you warm."

Before I could protest, she had sat down on the bed and started wiping off my face and shoulders, talking angrily to Dabi behind us the whole time.

"I know you like to have your fun, but blood is better warm. I can't smell it when she's an icicle like this."

Fear shot through my entire body in a single shock, as she leaned down and lightly sniffed my now dry collarbone. Satisfied, she pulled back and nodded to herself. "There. Much better. It's already warming back up."

A million thoughts were going through my head as I fought back my panic. I was racking my brain trying to remember everything Hawks had ever told me, about any of them. 'Dabi...He likes to get to the point. He doesn't like to play with his victims. Toga has a fixation with blood. At any and all costs, DO NOT get close to Shigaraki,' I began reciting to myself as Toga's small hands finished drying off my body.

I heard Dabi scoff as she stood up off the bed. "I don't understand why we need her alive. If we kill her, he'll still come for us, looking for revenge. There's really no point to this."

At that point, I knew if I could survive Dabi, I could survive the rest of them. He was imminently the most dangerous, as he had no tolerance for games. He committed crimes and killed, clean and simple. My survival instincts were screaming at me, telling me that I could get out of this, as long as I stayed out of his way.

Toga's voice pouting broke through my thoughts, as she turned to Dabi, and poked him in the chest lightly. "Because, it'll be so much more fun to play with that winged freak if she's alive to suffer in front of him."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH KIEGO?!" I yelled out desperately, tears rapidly flowing down my cheeks at the thought of him anywhere near any of this, these people. "Please, don't hurt him, I'll do whatever I need to, just please. Keep him out of whatever this is."

Toga, smiled down at me sadly as she sighed. "Oh, true love...So heartbreakingly sweet."

Dabi, on the other hand, eyed me with contempt and disgust.

"This isn't about you. The only thing you're good for is getting Hawks here. That is the only purpose you serve. And the fact that you would rather save him than yourself just shows you're lack of self preservation. You're pathetic. Both of you. And good God above, you're both weak." He shook his head and walked out of the door. Toga bounded after him, leaving me all alone in my soaking wet clothes and tied to the bed. I faintly heard her voice as she followed him. "I think it's romantic...!"

Because of the feather Hawks had given me, I knew he would find me. He always knew where I was, in case crap like this had ever happened. I felt a soft sob escape my lips as I realized I didn't want him to save me. I wanted him as far away from this as possible. But I knew him. He would be here soon, and he would save me, or die trying.

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