Waking Up Pt.2

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My eyes slowly opened in Keigo's chest.
I took a deep inhale against him, breathing in his scent. The scent that was always mixed with crisp, fresh air. I slowly tilted my head up to look at him, and my heart melted.
He was still sound asleep, but his arms had never loosened around me. I felt his wings against my back, holding me to his body. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations around me, that were purely Keigo. His smell. His feathers touching me from behind. The steady rise and fall of his chest against my cheek. I was fully surrounded by him. It was the safest I'd felt in days.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw his eyes were on me, with a sleepy smile on his face. I hadn't noticed his breathing had changed while I was focusing on him around me.
He leaned down and nuzzled into my neck, pressing his lips under my jaw.
"There's my Songbird." 
I smiled to myself, my lips trailing soft kisses across his chest. We stayed quiet for a few minutes before we both started at the sound of my stomach grumbling. He chuckled and raised his eyebrow.
"Hungry, Kid?"
I slowly nodded. "Mhm..."
"Well good. I've got a surprise for you."
Slowly untangling himself from me, he climbed out of my bed and stood up. I took the chance to look around and saw I was in a hospital room. There were plants, windows, air conditioning, blankets...It was a shock to my eyes to wake up in a place like this.
"Where are we...?"
Keigo's eyes followed mine, taking in the room himself. "An secret hospital for the agency. It's where Heroes come to recover where no one can find us. Putting one in Headquarters would've been too obvious, so...This was built."
I felt a nauseating feeling in my stomach while he explained. I stared at the ceiling of my room, scoffing lightly.
"...Then why am I here."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keigo's head turn towards me.
"Why. Am. I. Here." I spoke through gritted teeth. "This is a place for Heroes. Saviors. I'm..." I trailed off, seeing Dabi's face in my mind. "Nothing", I finished. I swore I could even hear his dark voice say the word with me.
Keigo stepped over to me, his hand slipping under my back to help me sit up. Once my legs were over the bed, I finally met his eyes.
My own widened in slight fear at the look I was met with.
His normally loving suns for eyes were dark and slitted. His mouth was set in a hard line, and his hands had moved from my back to the mattress on either side of me.
"So that's what you think, huh? You think that you're nothing?"
My mouth opened but he kept going.
"You think just because you have no Quirk that you're nothing? That because you're not a Hero, you don't mean anything? Well I've got news for you, Kid. I WISH I was like you. I wish I didn't have to put my life at risk every goddamn day when I have you to come home to. Knowing that I might have to leave you someday.
"Do you know how happy I was when I met you and found out that you had no Quirk? It was the best day of my life. I finally found someone, that I didn't have to worry about losing trying to save others. I didn't have to worry about you even becoming a Villain. Because in case you haven't noticed Kid-" He held up his fingers as he listed names." "Dabi? Came from a family of Quirked Heroes. Look at him now. Me? I have these stupid wings and have to pretend I'm the bad guy for the greater good. Aizawa ? He became a teacher to an entire school filled with Heroes, and every time one of them dies, he gets to remember the times they sat in his classroom." His eyes began to fill with tears as his hand dropped.
"...Bad things happen to people with Quirks, Kid. So don't you EVER compare yourself to nothing again."
My jaw was open as I stared at Keigo in stunned silence. All I could do was nod.
He nodded with me, and took a deep breath. "Now...We're going home Songbird." He smiled down at me. "That was the surprise I was telling you about. They gave us the go ahead yesterday afternoon, but I wanted to stay a little longer."
"Y-Yesterday...? But didn't I get here yesterday...?" My eyes looked up at him in confusion. "How long have I slept?"
His eyes wouldn't meet mine as he answered.
"...Five days."
My eyes widened as I hoarsely yelled out.
"You kept me asleep here for five days?!"
  His nervousness turned back to anger as he looked down at me.
"You had most of your stomach tissue and muscle cut through. Toga's blade almost touched your spine, and the internal bleeding they caused is astronomical.  Your body is covered in third degree burns, and you lost over half of your blood. You're so dehydrated and malnourished you couldn't pee when they tried to make you, and we've had to tube feed you in bites because too much and your body rejected it. The inside of your throat is red and raw, and three of your ribs are broken. Oh yeah, and you have a concussion."
I couldn't help the gasp that left my throat when he was finished.
"So yes. We kept you sedated so your body had time to fucking RECOVER. And I won't apologize for that."
I dropped my eyes and nodded slightly, looking up at him apologetically.
His eyes softened and one of his arms went around my back, and the other went under my knees. He smiled down at me, his eyebrow raised in that cocky expression I loved so much.
"Feel like going on a flight, BabyBird...?"
I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips as I nodded.
He walked over to the window, raising his foot on the ledge. His arms tightened around me and I felt his demeanor change into excitement.
"Hold on tight, Kid."
Then he stepped off the window and we were flying.

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