Dinner ⚠️

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I was awake long before my eyes opened. I could tell it was well past morning by the heat warming up the side of my face from the window. My eyes stayed shut in blissful relaxation, my mind and body still caught in the trance between consciousness and sleep. Between the warmth of the filtered sun, and Keigo's arms as tight as could be around me, staying awake was becoming more and more difficult.
Slowly, I began to stretch out. Being in a bed and having a shower helped my muscles relax, so moving wasn't as painful as it had been lately. My eyes began to open, as I looked up to see Keigo through my blurred vision. Despite my brain being fuzzy from sleep, my heart began to race.
The sunlight from the window struck his wild, golden hair, making it look like a halo in my blurry sight. His chest was still bare, our blanket laying loosely over his bottom half. I reached up slowly, my fingertips gently tracing the smirk on his lips I knew would be there. I felt him gently kiss my fingers, sighing softly before pressing his nose into my hair.
We stayed quiet like that for a while. Me, curled up into his side, him with his nose in my hair. I felt his fingers moving up and down my spine, sending comfortable chills through my body.
The content silence was broken when my stomach started growling. I felt Keigo shake as he chuckled.
"C'mon, Songbird. We need to get some solid food in you. Not fed through a tube."
Hearing his voice utter the words solid food, was enough to make the rumbling louder. I eagerly nodded against his chest, as he helped me sit up. Before I could swing my legs over the bed, I felt warm arms slide under my thighs, picking me up with a soft squeal from my lips.
Keigo shook his head with a smile, as he gingerly took my calves, wrapping them around his waist.
"There...There we go."
My arms instinctively went around his neck, a smile dancing on my lips as I leaned my head down, pressing my forehead against his neck.
"Now. Shall we ?" He asked, his arms holding me up.
I nodded, yet we stood there standing still, until I noticed his hands sliding up the back of my thighs.
I felt his body tense when I said his name, as his hands went fully up to my ass and squeezed aggressively. He leaned his head up, laying kisses over the center of my throat.
He inhaled deeply as his kisses slowly came to a stop, his fingers moving past my ass to my hips, his fingertips digging into them.
"I'm sorry, Kid. I don't know what came over me. Just the feeling of having you wrapped around me like this, then you saying my name-"
I cut him off with a kiss, tightening my arms around his neck. He grunted softly, but eagerly returned it.
When I pulled away, he inhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath.
"The feeling...is undeniably mutual."
He shook his head with a smile, yet I saw his nose and upper cheeks had gone a little red.
"Alright, alright. Come on. I'm serious. It's food time."
I giggled as he carried me to the kitchen from our room, sighing softly in content. After a minute, I felt him slowly slide me back on to the counter. Biting my lip to keep from wincing, I gave him a shaky smile to let him know I was okay. Keigo looked unconvinced but took a step back.
"So. Chicken ?"
I nodded excitedly, causing him to smile, the worry leaving his face.
He began pulling everything out- pans, grease, frozen chicken, spices. Watching him, I couldn't help my eyebrow from raising as I watched him prepare dinner. Keigo actually knew his way around a kitchen, but the way we cooked was completely different. I put everything away as soon as I was done with it, and cleaned up while the food cooked. He waited until the food was cooked to start cleaning, so the kitchen looked like a disaster when he was in it. I bit my tongue, determined not to critique him this time. Here he was, making dinner for me, when I could barely walk. Who was I to say anything ?
About halfway through, he reached for his phone and after a moment, Kiss began playing. He set it down next to the stove as he began swaying to the words while turning the chicken.

Cuz girl you were made for me...

My breath caught as the side of his lip turned up. He knew I was watching him.

And girl I was made for you...

Suddenly his eyes were on me, and heat flooded my cheeks as he mouthed the next lines, his eyes locked on mine the entire time.

I was made for lovin' you baby,
You were made for lovin' me...
And I can't get enough of you baby,
Can you get enough of me ?

His golden eyes winked at me as he turned back to the stove. I gently touched my hand to my burning cheek, doing everything I could to keep my breathing steady. While I was calming myself, I hadn't noticed the golden brown the chicken had come to as Keigo put it on a plate. When I refocused, he was standing in front of me with his hand out, chicken in hand, and a warm smile.
"Dinner's ready, Hummingbird."

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