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  My body stirred as I began to wake up.
The dread I felt at once again waking up in my hellhole was slowly replaced by drowsy confusion. I wasn't laying on cold metal. My entire backside was laying against something...Soft. Comfortable. My body wasn't cold either, like every other morning. I felt warm, loose cloth covering me from head to toe.
  Then it all came back.
  Keigo, beating the life out of the League. Aizawa carrying me out of that nightmare. The horror in both of their eyes as they saw my destroyed body. Something against my head before I was unconscious. The blinding sunlight. Keigo's blood stained shirt. His enraged eyes. Keigo. Keigo. Keigo...
It took me a moment to register the presence next to me. I had refused to open my eyes, scared that it wasn't real, but I felt something in the room with me. I was terrified to look. That I was still in the League's lair. That Keigo hadn't saved me. No. If this wasn't real, I didn't care. I would stay like this forever.
I felt the presence getting closer to me, and my face began to twitch unconsciously.
I had to fight to keep my eyes closed, despite the tears that immediately started rolling down my cheeks.
Keigo's hands reached out and I felt them on my either side of my face, his thumbs wiping my tears away.
"Kid, it's okay. I'm right here. Please, Hummingbird, talk to me. Look at me, please kid."
I shook my head against his hands. "No...", I choked out. "I can't handle if I open my eyes and this isn't real. If you're not really him. If I'm still in that dungeon. I'm gonna keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm really with you."
  His breath caught and he choked back what sounded like a cry of pain. His fingers tightened on my cheeks and he touched his forehead to mine.
"Honey it's really me. I promise you. Kid, please, open those eyes and trust me. Please, Babybird. Let me show you I'm here and you're safe."
  Hearing his voice that could've talked me into anything, I couldn't resist. My eyes slowly opened, meeting his gorgeous yellow ones. Two bright little suns, looking right back at me. I had no idea where I was, or what room I was in. All I knew was that Keigo was right in front of me, and that was all that I cared about.
Ignoring the pain in my limbs, my hand reached up and touched his cheek, my fingertips gently tracing his features.
Once I groaned out his name, he lost it.
He crawled in the bed I was in and wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could. I bit my lip to stop the yell of pain from my body being touched so roughly, because all I wanted was to be next to him. The wounds would heal eventually. I needed to be in his arms.
His wings followed his arms, crushing me to him. I felt his lips on my hair, as his shaking body clung to mine. Before long I felt warm drops fall onto my face, and looked up to see he was crying.
"I'm sorry...Hummingbird I'm so sorry...This was all my fault, I know...Please, do what you have to do...Yell, hit me, anything you want, just please don't leave me, Kid..."
  I felt a new pain in my chest at his words as my heart started to break. Shifting the best I could, I pressed my face into his chest, inhaling his scent.
"I'm not going anywhere Keigo. Knowing you were coming for me was the only thing keeping me sane in there. I knew you would be there. I knew you would save me."
He pulled back just barely enough to touch his forehead to mine, his lips touching, but not kissing me. I needed to kiss him. I needed to taste him. I needed to feel him against me.
"I will always come for you, Babybird. Fucking NO ONE will ever be able to take you away from me. You're mine. You're mine. You're mine.", he said in between extremely light kisses.
  Despite my need for his lips, I couldn't help the sharp inhale of pain at his lips on mine. He heard me and pulled back a little.
"I'm sorry, Kid. I just had to kiss you. If I didn't I was gonna go berserk."
Before I could reassure him I felt the exact same way, his hand went to the back of my head and he gently laid it on his chest.
"I want you to sleep a little more. God knows you need it. We're gonna talk about everything when you wake up, okay? I'm not leaving your side. You're gonna sleep right here in my arms. Got it?"
I couldn't help it. My face heated up at his protectiveness and I nodded against him. He touched his lips to my forehead, resting his chin on top of my head.
"Sleep, my Songbird..."
And I fell asleep safe and comfortable for the first time in days.

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