The Second Morning

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I felt the smallest warmth against my right cheek, waking me in the slightest. Am I outside...? I felt a glimmer of hope in my stomach, that maybe the last day had been a nightmare. That I wasn't stuck in the Villains dungeon, that there was only one person who knew where I was and he hadn't saved me yet, that I hadn't been tied up and beaten.
  After a few moments, I found the strength to open my eyes. It took me a moment to realize where the light was coming from, until I recognized the window across from me, that more closely resembled a slit in the wall. Of course...I thought, the little hope I had now flying from my soul. This is the stuff of true nightmares. You can't make it up.
  Turning my head away from the cruel taunt of the window, I glanced down at my body to assess myself.  Gently moving my facial muscles almost brought tears to my eyes. Flashing back to when Dabi smacked the daylights out of me, I knew something had to be broken. I could only imagine the bruise I had there now.
  Moving my eyes to my bound arms, I saw they were red and extremely raw. Apparently my struggling had done more harm than I thought. My shirt was ripped down my ribs, and my thighs were bruised with small cuts. With a sinking feeling in my stomach so hard it would've brought me down if I was standing, I realized how easy they had gone on me so far. I've been bound and unconscious and this is what they've done. It only gets worse from here.
  I snapped out of my thoughts when my door opened, and one of my captors stepped in. I hadn't seen him yet, but I knew who he was. He stepped over to my bed, out stretching his hand. I shut my eyes tight and braced myself. But after a moment, all I felt was relief from my left arm. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked over to see the rope that held me down was gone, and my arm was laying in a pile of ash. It made my heart stop when I realized what was happening.
  I stayed silent as he went to the other side of my bed, watching him carefully. He never said a word, simply took his fingertip and touched the rope around my limbs, making them disintegrate. I couldn't help but sigh in minor relief at the feeling of blood flowing freely back to my hands and feet.
   Then he laughed. And the sound sent chills through my whole body.
  "Don't get comfy, yeah? I promise it only gets worse."
It only gets worse...
My blood ran cold as Shigaraki repeated the words I had said to myself only a few minutes ago.
"'Now c'mon. The others are waiting."
Hesitantly, I sat up. "What's going on...?"
  "If you'd get up, you'd be able to see, now wouldn't you?"
  I felt my blood heat up, but I grit my teeth and sat up as quickly as I could. Which wasn't very quick at all. Once my legs were dangling off the bed, I took a look at my unbound wrists and legs, and gasped softly. They were even worse than I had thought. Red, raw, cut, and unbelievably bloody.
  "Yeah. You're definitely a struggler."
  My head snapped up as I saw Shigaraki watching my self inspection. He had the strangest expression on his face. Disdain, but almost...pride. I felt my stomach knot as I realized why he looked that way.
He's happy they caught me. They caught a fighter. They're gonna have fun with me.
  My legs shook as I stood up. I stayed silent and followed him as he walked out of my 'room'. We walked down four stone hallways, neither of us saying a word. Eventually we got to a set of wooden doors, when he turned around to face me. I instinctively took a step back.
  "Don't fight back, girl."
And with that, he turned back to the doors and threw them open.
  In the room was Dabi, leaning against a steel table and smoking a cigarette. Toga was across the room, laying upside down on a small couch with her legs up in the air. When the doors opened, both their eyes met mine.
  "Finally!" Toga squealed, hopping off the couch and bounding over to us. Dabi just rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Bout fuckin time."
Shigaraki never said anything. Just walked into the room and stood next to Dabi. Toga grabbed my arm and tugged me into the room, over to the two men across from us.
"So! What do we wanna do first?" She looked between the two of them and expectantly.
Dabi looked to me again, thinking quietly while he put out his cigarette under his boot, before jerking his head to the steel table he was leaning against.
  "Get on and lay down."
I stood still and refused to move, out of sheer fear. Dabi's eyes narrowed.
  "I said, get on."
  Before another thought could go through my head, I turned and ran back to the door. I pounded on it and tugged as hard as I could on the handles. I only struggled for about three seconds before I felt rough skin touch mine, Dabi's hand grabbing my shoulder.
Out of reflex, I turned and punched him in the stomach as hard as I could. Followed by a kick to one of his knees, making a sickening crack! His eyes widened as he fell to the ground, moaning in agony. Unfortunately, it only kept him down for less than a minute.
"You stupid fucking-"
Standing up, he took one large step back to me, and wrapped his hand around my neck, lifting me up and holding me to the set of doors. My air was cut off immediately and my legs started kicking, trying to reach him. He glared up at me, taking his knee and bringing it right up to my pelvic bone and kneed it, crushing it between his leg and the door. Choking out a breathless scream, I saw stars dot my vision.
  Despite his teeth being gritted in pain, he managed to chuckle. "I really don't understand that moron. You're absolutely nothing. You're not a hero. You're not even a student at a hero school. You could never be one of us. So what the FUCK-" his fingers tightened even more around my neck, and I felt my eyes start to pop. "-Makes a Quirkless freak like you, so goddamn special?"
  My shoulders had gone cold from the lack of blood. My vision was going black. My legs had eventually stopped kicking and were hanging limply against the door. Faintly, I heard the voice of my savior.
  "Let her go, Dabi. We can't do anything more if you strangle her."
I didn't even care if they were gonna do anything more to me. As long as I would be alive.
  Between the black swallowing my vision, I barely managed to see Dabi sneer, before he squeezed on my neck one last time. After holding me for a moment longer, he pulled me away from the doors by my neck, then slammed me back against them, knocking any air I had left out of me.
  Then he let go and I was airborne. The last thing I felt was the cool concrete floor knocking me unconscious as my skull smashed against it.

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