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It had been hours since I had heard anything, from any of the Villians. I was left alone in the dark room, with only my thoughts to keep me. But eventually, even that went south.
The more I started to think, the more angryI got. I was angry at EVERYTHING. I was angry I hadn't kept my guard up and got captured in the first place. That Kiego had even been around these people, much less gotten into some kind of trouble with them. Angry that he just couldn't seem to help himself when it came to putting himself in danger. Angry that I had gotten involved with a pro hero to begin with when I knew how dangerous it was. Angry that I knew he was gonna come for me and save me, when I wanted him as far away as he could get from all of this, despite the fact that it was apparently all about him. Angry that I was apart of the unfortunate 20% of humans that had no quirk, and was therefore unusable.
With all these thoughts in my mind, it wasn't long before the tears began flowing down my cheeks. I was infuriated. In a few minutes, my body was on fire. Hopelessness, fury, desperation, flowed through my body like a current. Before I even knew what I was doing, I opened my mouth and screamed, as loud as I could. I pulled against the ropes that held me down, and it burned, and it only made me scream louder. Just because I could. Because I wanted to. Because if I didn't, I was going to explode on the spot.
I must've screamed like that for well over an hour. When I finally stopped, my throat was so raw, I could barely speak, and short breaths of air stung. Eventually, my body fell limp and I simply laid there, panting and shaking on the bed. My eyes burned from the constant tears, and my neck was wet from the flow of them.
While I was trying to catch my breath, I heard the door slowly open across from me. My head never turned. I didn't want to know who it was. They were equally as bad as the next.
"What in the hell were you hollering so fucking loud about?"
I closed my eyes, hoping to hide the fear that I knew flooded them. That deep, gravely voice, that I knew was going to haunt my mind, my dreams, for years to come.
I didn't answer, hoping Dabi would just leave. I continued to stare up at the ceiling, my jaw clenched tightly to keep from saying something I shouldn't. After a few moments of my silence, he took two loud steps toward me, reached down and grabbed my jaw, forcibly turning my head over and up to look up at him.
I knew the fear in my eyes was there. It was in my entire body. I was absolutely petrified of him. And he knew it. He enjoyed it. He wanted me to be afraid. He wanted to torment me. In his mind, if I was gonna live, he was gonna get something out of it.
"You're either gonna answer me," his fingers tightened around my jaw, making me flinch and try to pull away, which he only chuckled cruelly at.
"Or I'm gonna snap your jaw in my hand, and you'll never give another answer to anybody again."
He raised his eyebrow before letting go, and took a step back. Gasping softly, I looked up, moving my jaw around a tad.
"I...I don't know. I just wanted to scream. I'm angry. I'm scared. I just wanted to scream..."
His eyebrow went up even further. He did a once over of my body and snorted.
"You forgot something."
I closed my eyes and braced myself for what he was about to say. The truth that was why I was still stuck here.
"You're useless."
I tried not to flinch. But hearing his dark voice, tell me exactly what I was. He was far from finished though.
"You're weak. You're a minority. You're a liability to anybody with a Quirk. You are, quite literally, nothing in this world."
I didn't answer. My throat was so tight, I couldn't even if I wanted to. It had slipped my mind that silence didn't fly with Dabi though.
He reached down and smacked me as hard as he could across the face.
I cried out, turning my head and trying to hide my face in the mattress below me.
"That's your warning. Keep it fucking down."
I never thought I would be so happy to hear a door slam in all my life.

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