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   I felt the blood drip from my torso down to the table, making warm trails down my sides and pooling under my back. I laid on the table, staring up at the ceiling with tears blurring my vision, for God knows how long. My mind was blank. My body was on fire, inside and out. My voice was completely gone from the screaming I had done in the two days I had been trapped here.
  Every time I thought I had never been in that much pain before, they always came back with something to prove me wrong. Closing my eyes, I focused my feeling on the red feather resting against my chest still. That was the only thing keeping me sane. Knowing Keigo was going to come for me.
  Suddenly, I heard Toga laugh, before it turned into a scream. I did my best to turn my head towards the sound, only to hear something repeatedly slamming up against the wood doors to my prison. They eventually flew open and Dabi was thrown into the room, hitting the floor with a groan. My eyes widened as I looked to the door, and all time stopped.
  Keigo was here.
Immediately I began struggling against the steel holding me to the table. His eyes scanned the room before landing on me, and I gasped softly. He had blood on his skin tight black shirt, and his eyes were murderous. In his left hand, he had Shigaraki by the neck, unconscious. But every hard line he had set in his expression melted when he saw me. Dragging Shigaraki over to the table, he dropped him before leaning over me and resting his hands on my cheeks gently, as my tears came harder.
  "Baby Bird, it's me. I'm here. I'm gonna save you, okay? We're gonna get you out of here." My eyes closed as I took in his scent, mixed with the fresh air.
  He turned to the doors and yelled out, "She's in here!"
  A few moments later, I saw Eraserhead run into the room, his eyes glowing red. He came over to us, and quickly scanned me over, worry clouding his eyes when he saw my state.
"I'm gonna get her out of here. You do what you need to do."
  Keigo nodded, before picking Shigaraki's lifeless form up by his arm, and the shining crimson in Aizawa's eyes momentarily stopped. Gripping his hand, he took his fingertips and touched them to the steel bars that held down my wrists and ankles. I groaned softly at the feeling of finally being free. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, before looking to Aizawa. "I'll meet you back at Headquarters. DON'T let them out of your sight, okay?"
  "Shigaraki's unconscious, Toga is on her last leg, and I know you want to deal with Dabi personally. You obviously don't need me to erase their Quirks, so I'm leaving this to you."
  Hawks nodded, before walking away from my table,  and I began to panic. I couldn't be away from him again. I would go insane. I felt Aizawa's arms slide under me and saw his eyes widen when he felt the amount of blood on my back, but he kept moving. My eyes stayed on Keigo the entire time, mustering up the energy to call out to him, as I saw him lean over Dabi and began punching him repeatedly.
  "You-think-you-can-just-take-what-belongs-to-me?!" He yelled in between punches. Dabi's head was leaning back and his mouth was slack. By the time Keigo had stopped, there were no more cracks to be heard. It sounded like he was punching mush.
  Before we got to the door, Toga stumbled in, with blood staining her blonde hair and panting raggedly. She started moving towards Keigo, but he heard it too soon. His wings shot out behind him and Toga went flying into the wall, hitting it with a nauseating smack, before falling into a heap on the ground.
  Eventually Aizawa carried me to the door, and I finally found my voice. "KEIGO!!" I screamed, raspy and whimpered when I felt the sting. He quickly turned to my voice, his eyes holding an agonized look.
"He's dealing with the League. I promise you'll see him soon," Aizawa murmured as he carried me through the hallway. My eyes shut as I saw windows filled with sunlight. It hurt. I hid my face against his body, before hearing a door open, then feeling cold, fresh air wash over my body.
  I was outside again.
I groaned when the sun struck my eyes, blinding me for a minute. I guess Aizawa took it as a groan of pain, because I heard his voice as we took a few steps.
"Shinsou, you know how to handle this."
  Then I felt two fingers against my forehead, and I was out.

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