The End

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My hands shook as I waited behind the church doors. It was finally happening. After everything me and Keigo had endured, all our time together, we were finally getting married.
I reached down, smoothing my dress out for the hundredth time. It wasn't flashy, or as big as a ball gown. It was simple, down to my ankles, with lace sleeves. I laid eyes on it, and immediately knew. That was what I wanted to wear when I married Keigo Takami.
I turned as I heard one of the doors open, and Deku stepped through. He smiled excitedly, and I couldn't help smiling back, despite my nerves. His energy was contagious.
Deku was the reason I had gotten my life back. My confidence, my mental stability, my sense of reality. I tried to thank him for it at our last session, but he simply waved me off. "I'm not the reason you did anything. You got here all on your own. I just simply showed you how to get here," he argued kindly.
No matter what he said, that was how I believed though. I thought it fitting that he would be the one to walk me down the aisle, as I had him to thank for almost everything.
"Are you ready, (Y/N)?"
I nodded shakily, my breathing uneven.
"I am, Deku."
His smile grew as he gently placed his hands on my cheeks. His eyes were serious, despite his kind smile.
"(Y/N")...I am so unbelievably proud of you. You've come so far in this last year. Hawks' couldn't have found someone better than you."
My eyes began to water but Deku wasn't having it.
"Hey, no waterworks ! Mina would kill me, and everyone else if the eye make up she worked on was smeared on your big day."
I chuckled through the tears and nodded. He held out his arm and nodded once.
"Shall we ?"
I laid my hand in his arm and took a deep breath.
"We shall."
Deku slowly opened the doors, and everyone stood up, turning to face us. My bouquet shook ever so slightly as I felt everyone's eyes on me, my own eyes trained on the floor. Before we began walking, Deku leaned down and nudges me a bit.
"(Y/N)...Look up, sweetheart. He's waiting for you."
Shakily, I lifted my head, and my vision zeroed in to the breathtaking man at the alter.
Keigo stood there, in a pitch black suit, with a accentuated red tie, and a matching red rose on his coat. His wings were folded neatly behind him, silky and sleeked to perfection. His golden hair shone in the light, styled in his normally messy look. I shook my head in appreciation. I was glad he had chosen to use his normal hairstyle on our day. I didn't want either of us dolled up ridiculously. I wanted to see him in his natural state when I became his forever.
  From down the aisle, I could faintly see his jaw slack, his expression in awe as he stared at me and Deku.
The entire room blurred in my eyes, except for him. He was the only thing I saw. The only thing my mind would register. The entire League could've been behind him, and I honestly wouldn't have noticed. Seeing him waiting for me filled me with resolve. My posture straightened as I subtly nodded to Deku. And with that, he began leading me to my husband to be.
Walking in time to the music, I mentally groaned. This was taking forever. I just wanted to run to him already.
The song ended as me and Deku eventually reached the alter. Everyone sat down as I took my place in front of Keigo. His golden eyes shone with tears as he took me in, black eyeliner smudged in a smokey look around them.
"Babybird..." he breathed out, his soft voice sounding choked.
I reached out, gently touching his cheek, wiping away the tears that managed to escape from his eyes.
"Are you ready, darling ?"
He softly sniffled as he nodded, a joyful smile breaking through his awe induced reaction.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in holy...."
My eyes were trained on Keigo's as the world faded away again. I couldn't hear the pastor's voice. I couldn't see our friends and family out in the crowd. My entire being was focused on him. The absolute beauty of him, and the fact that he was mine. After the nightmare our lives had become, this felt like the light at the end of the tunnel. The peace. The calamity was finally over. I knew we would most likely have more threats to face. But so long as I had Keigo, I could endure any and everything.
"The couple has written their own vows. Hawks, would you like to start ?"
Keigo cleared his throat as his fingers tightened around mine.
"My Songbird...My love. I never, ever thought I would be standing where I am now, let alone with someone like you. Lucky for me, you never realized how out of my league you are, and chose to stay with me." The room was filled with quiet chuckles, before his face grew serious. "That's just the thing. stayed. You broke through my steel exterior, you dealt with everything that my life entailed, and happily. You stayed through it all and there is nothing in this world or the next I would ever choose over you. Over US."
Tears had begun flowing down my cheeks and onto my dress, my breathing shaky from his confession. The love I had for Keigo made me feel like I could spontaneously combust at any moment.
I gently wiped under my eyes, speaking low and clear.
"Keigo...I knew exactly what being with a Pro-Hero would be like. I knew about the risks, the danger, all of it. But I chose to endure it because I fell helplessly in love with you. I never wanted you for your title, your money, your looks. Which are a great bonus, but even still."
More laughs filled the room, Keigo's among them.
"I fell in love with YOU. You...Are the only thing I need in this life. Even if we lose everything, if we become outcasts, if we're on the brink of death. If I have you...I couldn't care less."
Keigo's lip trembled as he tried to keep his tears in check. Slowly, he picked up my ring and slipped it on my finger.
"Keigo Takami, do you take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, until death do you part?"
His husky voice spoke so only we could hear.
"I most certainly do."
"(Y/N), do you take-"
I broke through with a tearful laugh. "I do!"
Laughs exploded throughout the room at my outburst. The pastor chuckled as he nodded.
"Then by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you man and wife. You may now-"
Keigo lunged forward, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him, his warm lips on mine before the pastor had finished speaking. Cheers, laughs, and whistles echoed in our ears as music began playing again.
I'm not sure how long we stood like that, listening to the dull roar of the crowd. All I knew was that I had finally become Keigo's wife, he was here with me, and his kiss was making me dizzy from happiness.
When breathing became a necessity, he pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Well, Mrs. Takami. Are you ready to party?" Keigo smiled mischievously as we turned to face the crowd.
I couldn't help the nervous laugh as I thought about Keigo partying to his hearts content.
"With you ? Never."

Later That Night, After The Party....

  I groaned softly in Keigo's arms, pressing my face into his chest as he flew us home, my legs dangling limply over one of his arms.
"My feet are killing me", I whined.
The party after the ceremony was amazing. It had gone well into the morning, and it was now almost 5 AM as we made our way back to our home. All of Keigo's Hero friends made an appearance, and even a few Villain friends he had formed bonds with on past missions. My blood had gone cold when he suggested it, but he promised it would be no one with connections to the League. Aizawa and Shinsou, as well as All Might acted as security throughout the whole night. Bakugou, among our crowd of friends,  had a little too much to drink, and was drunkenly dancing on one of the tables with his shirt halfway undone. Deku was begging him to get down while someone who I assumed was a friend of theirs, with blonde hair and a lightning strike through it, did his best to tug him off. All the while, Deku's wife, Uraraka, had her face in her hand and refused to watch. From the next table over, two people were cheering on Bakugou, Mina and his best friend, the Pro Hero, Red Riot.
  Keigo chuckled and softly kissed my hair as we drew nearer and nearer to the house, the first rays of sunlight turning his wings the color of fire. "I know, Songbird. I'm pretty exhausted myself. But you gotta admit, that was the most kickass party ever."
  I smiled and pressed my lips to his heart. "Okay, you're right. It absolutely was."
   Slowly, Keigo began his descent down to our doorstep. Since we were so close to the ground, I mentally shrugged and kicked off my shoes, letting them fall into the yard.
  Keigo stopped in the air and looked between my heels on the ground and me with playful incredulousness. "What on Earth was that for, Kid ?"
   I grinned and glanced down at them. "My feet hurt and we're home. I just wanted to."
   He shook his head and gently tilted my head up with his thumb to kiss me deeply. "So impulsive," he murmured.
   I tightened my arms around his neck and sighed happily. "Mmm...Go get my shoes and I'll meet you upstairs. It's our wedding night after all." Despite the fact that it's morning.
   Keigo growled teasingly, setting me on my feet with our back to the door, before immediately turning around to grab my shoes. I turned to unlock the door...
   An ear piercing shriek of unadulterated terror left my mouth as my knees gave out, and I collapsed on the spot.
  Within seconds, Keigo was behind me, helping me up.
"KID! What is it, what happened ?"
His eyes were fixed on me, so he didn't notice. Between my gasps that turned into hyperventilating, I raised my hand and slowly pointed to the middle of our front door. His focused followed my hand until I felt his entire body stop. "No..." he whispered, as his hands began to shake on my body.
     One of Keigo's feathers had burnt black halfway down...and had been stuck to our door, with one of Toga's signature blades.
His eyes traveled down to the doorstep, as he made a noise sounding like he was about to vomit violently. On the doorstep, two words spelt out my worst nightmare. I was on the verge of passing out as I read the words, spelled out in ashes.
                          "MISS US ?"

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