Surveying The Damage

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   The city flew by us almost soundlessly through the air. Keigo's arms held me tight to his chest, yet it didn't hurt. Even if it did, I wouldn't have complained. After all the pain I'd been through, a couple stings from being wrapped in the man I loved, my savior, was something I would take a hundred times over.
  My hair finally fell back to me as I felt the pulsing of his wings begin to slow. In a few short moments, I heard the soft thud of his shoes hitting pavement. The sting of tears filled my eyes as I realized we were finally home.
  My eyes slowly opened, and I couldn't help the raspy laugh of relief that left me. I took in everything I had been taken from, filling all my senses at once. We were standing on our doorstep, the faint scent of chicken filling my nose. Keigo fixed it so often, it became a permanent scent around the house. My eyes traveled up to the front door, smiling weakly at the tacky sign he had insisted we hang up. "The Lover's Nest." I had fought so hard on that, but he thought it was hysterical, and said he "needed it" for our home. I never thought I'd be happy to see something I hated for so long.
  When Keigo heard my attempt at a laugh, his head tilted to glance down at me, biting his lip with a small smile.
  "We're home, Songbird."
And with that, one of his arms left me, reaching forward to open our door.
  We walked in, and my eyes widened when I saw the state of the room, my jaw dropping a bit.
  It...Was destroyed through and through.
Almost afraid of the answer, I tentatively asked, "What...Happened, here....?"
  Keigo grimaced, his cheeks reddening a bit as we stopped in the middle of the room.
"When I found out you were missing...I lost it. I went berserk. I couldn't help it. I was in a blind rage." He nodded his head at our belongings scattered on the floor. His eyes were avoiding the far side of the room, so I craned my neck to the best of my ability, gasping softly at the sight.
  Our table was smashed through, right down the middle. What was the most concerning was the red feathers that had filled the cracks, laying gently on the broken wood.
  "...Aizawa put me through it."
My body heated up immediately, my eyes filling with rage as I looked up at him. He only laughed, reaching down to kiss my forehead.
"Relax, my feral little Bird. I honestly needed it. I had pretty much told them all to go to Hell, that I was going to save you then and there. I had already little fit by this point." He nodded his head to the damaged room. "He told me to calm down, while that little assistant of his sat and watched on standby."
  I racked my brain at the word he used. Assistant...?
Incredulously, I slowly asked, "...You know Shinsou's a student of his, right ?"
He rolled his eyes and shrugged, lifting me a little with it. "Yeah, whatever. Honestly with the way he acts, I don't really see a difference. But the old timer grabbed me by my jacket and slammed me into the table, those creepy ass eyes glowing red, and told me to calm down or I wouldn't have a part in the rescue mission." He snorted and looked away, trying to hide the anger he still felt at Aizawa's threat.
  I stayed still and quiet against him, simply standing in the ravaged living room. Eventually, he shook his head and turned, slowly carrying me up the stairs.
"Anyway. How does a shower sound to you, baby?"
I nodded excitedly, causing him to chuckle.
"Okay baby. To the bathroom we go."

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