Toga X Dabi

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   Dabi left me on the table for what felt like hours.
I didn't move. I didn't struggle. I didn't scream. Cry. I just laid there, feeling the burns Dabi left on my body, my dead eyes were locked on the ceiling in silence while I waited for the next Villian to come in and fuck me up.
  What the hell is taking so long....My eyes slowly traveled down to the chain around my neck with Keigo's feather on it. He should've been here by now. He always knew where I was. So why isn't he here...?!
  I did my best not to flinch when I heard the doors open again. Glancing over I whimpered out loud when I say Dabi's lanky frame again, with Toga next to him. Seeing her blonde hair gave me some minor relief. She would make sure he didn't go overboard and kill me on 'accident'.
  I kept my eyes on Toga as she moved to the table Dabi pulled his cigarettes out of earlier. There was metal clanking, but her high pitched voice talked over it, tilting her head back over her shoulder to speak to me.
  "So...a lover to a Pro Hero, hm?"
Silence had kept me alive so far, so I opted to continue it as she continued.
  "That's really dangerous, y'know. All it does is land you in situations like..." She stopped rustling in the drawer and chuckled softly as she shrugged. "Well, situations like this." 
  Closing the drawer, she turned back around and my eyes widened in horror. In her small hands must've been a dozen or more small knives, that she balanced perfectly between her fingers.
  Her small frame occupied the chair Dabi sat in earlier, and she scooted closer to me. She kept her eyes on mine the whole time, and even began swinging her legs in the chair like a little kid. I couldn't help my eyebrow raising as I silently pondered the difference between her and Dabi's insanity. Dabi was evil incarnate. Wanted to hurt. To cause pain. To hear screams and see tears. Toga...Toga's insanity was better hidden. She liked to play games. She could mask it until the time came for her crazy to be unveiled. Dabi just didn't see a point in it.
   Setting all but one of the knives on her lap, she used the blade of the one to slowly trace over all of the burns Dabi had given me. I grit my teeth and turned my head to the other side, until I felt the blade up by my neck after a moment.
  "Your hair is really pretty, y'know...too bad it'll just get in the way."
  And with that, Dabi was in my line of vision, his fingers burning blue as he touched the hair sprayed around my head. I shut my eyes as the warmth touched my cheeks, before they shot open and I let out a shriek of agony as I felt his entire flame covered palm touch my shoulder.
  Through my screams of pain I could barely hear his dark chuckle as he pulled his hand away. "Oops."
  He walked away, leaving me gasping and with a burn mark so bad it was almost black on my shoulder. My head turned back to the other side, to see Toga hadn't moved at all, other than the blade still lightly moving over his cigarette marks. The only difference in her was her expression. The fury in her eyes. The loathing. She stood up, and pressed the tip of the blade right between my breasts.
  "All of you heroes...are absolutely pathetic."
And with that, she dragged the blade right down my skin.
  I began to cry hysterically as I felt the stinging of her silver cut into my flesh. I was jerking, trying to get away, but that only made it worse. She didn't mind, though. She spoke through my struggles, her voice loud and hateful.
  "All of you think you're some kind of saviors. But when it comes down to it? Look at you. Can't even handle a little bit of burn and some blood."
She began to cut deeper as the knife went further down, now cutting right into my torso, as her voice got angrier and louder.
  "You think this hurts ?! Imagine what we've all been through. This is NOTHING. And you can't handle it because you're all so weak. It's embarrassing to watch, but it's so fun to see you all in pain..."
  Taking the knife even lower, she began to cut right into my pelvic bone. My head was thrown back and my entire front of my body was wet and hot and sticky as she ripped through me.
  She snorted as she slowly took the blade out of my skin. I was on the verge of passing out, but I felt the sting as she pulled it out of my body.
  Through the rapid blackening of my vision, I saw her and Dabi standing side by side, both looking down at me with disgust.
  "It's nice to have some practice before the real victim gets here, isn't it Dabi?"

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