Flying Home

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For the first time in days, I closed my eyes in relaxation. Not fear. I didn't have them squeezed shut, attempting to block out what was happening to me. I wasn't shutting out the world. I wasn't trying to escape the Hell I had been dragged into. No. For the first time in ages, my eyes were closed because I finally felt safe.

When Keigo stepped off the window ledge, I wasn't afraid. He did this everytime. He never flew at first, just simply dropped. Instead of screaming like usual, I felt a smile grace my lips. The wind felt AMAZING, especially against my dirty matted hair, and scarred body. Hell, I couldnt have screamed even if I wanted to. Inhaling still stung the back of my throat. His wings finally opened into the sky, and we were airborne.

We were silent most of the flight. I was completely limp against his chest, simply because I COULD be. We eventually stopped and I felt his wings drop behind him, but we were still outside. Not home.

Keigo's chin gently rested on the top of my head. I felt his lips moving against my hair.

"Open your eyes, Baby Bird..."

My exhausted eyes eventually found the strength to open, and I looked around.

We were standing on a rooftop, easily one of the taller ones in the city. I slowly took it all in, my smile only growing as I did.

The sun was slowly setting over the skyline, dark shadows being cast over the streets below us. Neon lights were beginning to turn into electric beacons in the dark. Headlights illuminated the small figures going home for the night, as we simply observed the scene in silence.

Finally curiosity got the better of me, and my head tilted up to meet his eyes.

"This is absolutely stunning, and I adore it here...But why? I thought we were going home?"

The side of his face turned up in that infuriatingly cocky smile. The shadows of the setting sun danced across his features, and my chest began to tighten. Sometimes I truly did believe I was going to explode with all the love I had for Keigo Takami.

His eyes never left the night scene below us as he began to explain.

"I wanted to show you that you're free. You're really out of that God awful place. You're in my arms, and the League is done. And seeing the world like this, right next to me..." His head dipped and he softly kissed along my jaw. "...Is hopefully enough to convince you of that."

Despite the dizzy feeling he had created when his lips touched my skin, something he said really struck something in my mind.

"What do you mean, the League is done...?"

He sighed softly, his hot breath against my neck making me shiver involuntarily.

"That...Relates to something I've been waiting to hear from you."

Now I was hopelessly lost, and I cocked my head up at him, waiting for his explanation.

He was silent for a while. The sun had finally set, and I couldn't make out his face. Reaching up, my fingertips touched his cheek, turning his head towards me. I felt my heart start to crack when I felt the wetness on his face, and the torment in his eyes.

"...Why do you think it took me so long to get to you? To save you?" On reflex, my hand dropped from his face to clutch the feather resting lightly on my chest.

"We knew it was the League that did this. They...Pretty much figured everything out. That I was only ACTING like a Villian, and reporting to the agency. So...They took you, trying to get to me.

"Toga, Dabi, and Shigaraki were the least of our problems. I tried to go after you immediately, but Aizawa wasn't having it." Keigo's voice dropped to a monotone, and his eyes lowered until they were half open, as he began to imitate him. Hearing him replicate Aizawa, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Those three are a minor problem. What good will it do if we go after them, and not All For One? We take out the pawns, the King will only go round up more."

His eyes and voice went back to normal, and my smile eventually faded as I thought about what he relayed to me.

"Aizawa and All Might went after All For One for a few days. We rounded up students, vigilantes, and any Pro Hero we could find. Once we found him..." He stopped midway, glancing down at me, before shaking his head lightly. "Nevermind. Let's just say that him against every Quirked person within cities from here...It honestly wasn't much a fight."

His head dropped, and his voice began to shake as he continued.

"...I tried to come for you, Songbird...I just couldn't yet. But goddammit, I tried." He bit his lip as the tears started flowing freely down his face. His heart rate had almost doubled, his mind replaying the fear he had felt in the last few days.

I felt my soul begin to crack hearing the agony in his voice. I had known he was going to come for me, but he didn't have that peace of mind. He had no idea if I was going to be alive by the time he got to the League.
  I reached up and softly wiped away the drops falling against his cheeks. His eyes closed as he inhaled slowly, turning his head to press his shuddering lips to my palm.

  "I'm here. I'm alive. Most importantly, I'm with you. In your arms. I'm. SAFE."

  I felt his heart rate slowly go down at my words. He slowly nodded once, leaning down and pressing a firm kiss to my forehead.

"C'mon, Kid. Let's go home now."

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