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                              ✳️TIME SKIP✳️

It had been two months since I had been captured by the League of Villains. It was difficult adjusting to normalcy after everything that happened. Keigo helped me clean my cuts and bruises everyday, and desperately tried to keep me fed. More often times than not, I woke up sweating, kicking and thrashing around, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Toga's faces swimming in my mind. I always woke him up with me, his hyper vigilance in overdrive ever since he rescued me. He had become the worlds lightest sleeper. As soon as he felt me shift in any kind of way that resembled danger, a nightmare, or general fear, he shot up in bed, his wings out and covering me, the tips of his feathers pointed directly at the door. He would stay like that for minutes, until my fingertips gently moving up and down his back caused him to relax. Slowly, he would lay back down and wrap his wings around me, holding me as close to him as he could, shielding me with his feathers.
About a week after I had been home, I woke up that morning to Keigo waiting downstairs for me with a small stack of papers. He warily explained that the agency he worked for had set up a program in recent years, for people who had been victimized by villains. They had psych doctors, prescriptions when called for, therapy sessions, self defense training, and other various ways for the victims to take care of themselves.
I felt myself flare up at the idea Keigo was insinuating I wasn't strong enough mentally to deal with what I had been through, until I realized how stupid that feeling was. I was keeping up both of us up at night with my nightmares, I was barely eating, and I had basically become a shut in since he rescued me. It wasn't healthy for either of us, and it was time to stop. I took the forms and was signed up within a week.

Day One...

The first week was Hell on Earth. I was still having difficulty moving, and was stuck directly in combat training, two days a week. Our teacher was a blonde kid, maybe in his early twenties. I vaguely recognized him from the news. I'm pretty sure his Hero name had something to do with explosives. His hair stuck up every which way, and his eyes were hard. I knew immediately that this was gonna be the worst part of my days here.
We each had to go up against him in a match, so he could see what all needed to be worked on. Sitting on the edge of the fighting mat and watching him fight was amazing. He took down everybody, then told them exactly what they did wrong. Everyone had gone except for me...
I cringed and took a shaky step forward. He's gonna lay me flat...
When I made it to the center of the mat, his red eyes slowly gave me a once over, taking me in. Nodding once, he held up his hands in front of his face.
"Ready when you are."
I took a deep breath, getting as close to a fighting stance as I could. The second I had put my hands up, I felt his foot swing at my calf, knocking me to the ground. I landed on my stomach, causing me to shout as Toga's cuts burned against my shirt.
I stayed like that until I felt his footsteps come closer, before they stopped by my feet. He never said anything, simply held out his hand for me. Putting aside my pride, I grabbed his hand. He yanked me up like I was nothing and set me on my feet.
I hobbled back to the edge of the mat, while he stayed in the middle with his arms crossed. We all looked up at him quietly, waiting for him to speak.
"Listen up. My name is Katsuki Bakugou. Most of you know me by the name Dynamight. Every single one of you have the same thing in common." His stone eyes swept over us. "You either lost someone you loved, or you were personally attacked by a Villain. It's my job to prepare you, to make sure that never happens again. Now...Be here, Friday, 10 AM. Dismissed."
Without waiting for us to leave, he turned around and began packing up his stuff. Slowly, we cleared out the room as I went outside to wait for Hawks.

Later That Night...

Keigo started choking on his drink.
I nodded once in affirmation, a little confused.
He sat there quietly for a second before blowing out his cheeks. "Well, I guess it makes a bit of sense. That kid is always ready for a fight. I hate to admit it, but that Bakubrat was honestly the best choice for a combat teacher."

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