⚠️⚠️Flashbacks ⚠️⚠️

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  I lightly laid my hand in Keigo's, slowly and tentatively sliding off the counter. Guiding me over to the table, he set the plate of chicken down before pulling my chair out for me. The corners of my lips turned up in a shy smile, slowly taking my seat as he helped me in. Instead of taking his normal place on the other side of the table, he took his chair and sat it right next to mine.
I couldn't help my questioning gaze as I watched him plop down next to me.
"...What are you doing ?"
He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, like I should already know the answer.
"So I can help you eat. Obviously."
I opened my mouth, my pride about to tell him I could eat by myself, but his wing closest to me shot out, covering my mouth with his feathers.
Keigo talked while loading both of our plates, not the least bit perturbed by my coughing and gagging, trying to get his wing away from my face.
"Did you think I didn't notice the way your arms were shaking when I carried you? Or the wince you tried to hide when I sat you down?"
I glared at him over his feathers, finally gotten the majority of them out of my mouth.
He shook his head, slowly dropping his wing, holding up a fork with a speared piece of chicken.
"Stop being so damn stubborn Kid, and let me take care of you."
Though it stung my pride, and my ego had taken a small hit by the idea of having to be fed, I relented when I saw the look in his eyes. It wasn't pity, the way it would've been with anyone else. It was just...love. He genuinely wanted to take care of me.
  Sighing softly, I dropped my jaw, looking at him expectantly. Keigo flashed a smug smile, gently putting the fork to my lips. Once I began chewing, I moaned involuntarily.
  Keigo was a fantastic cook. He always had been. We rarely went out for food, because whatever we wanted he could make without problems. ESPECIALLY, when it came to chicken. That, coupled with the fact that I hadn't had solid food in days, made the spices and warmth hit differently.
  Keigo chuckled as he heard my pleasureful noises, piercing another piece on the fork.
"Well. Glad to know I still got it."
I rolled my eyes as I let my mouth fall open again. We repeated the process of him feeding me bits of chicken several times, until I held my hand up.
"Gimme a second...Been too long since I had real food. Let my stomach settle."
Keigo nodded absently, his eyes fixated on my lips. Self consciously, my arm went up to wipe away whatever he was staring at, until his hand touched my wrist.
"Let me, Songbird."
My eyes widened a bit as his thumb slowly reached out, wiping away some grease from the corner of my mouth. My lips parted, a small breath leaving me, my eyes locked on his. Instead of his dropping hand, he took his thumb, index and middle finger, sliding it down from my lips to forcefully grip my chin. I whimpered out, his fingers forcing me to look at him. The look in his eyes absolutely set me on fire, and I felt my face began to heat up. Instinctively, I dropped my eyes a bit, until his fingers tightened around my chin, his voice dangerously low.
"Don't. You dare. Look away from me."
My eyes immediately shot back up to his. His normally bright, yellow eyes seemed to darken in color in his lust. Keigo slowly stood up from his chair, never taking his eyes off mine. I didn't follow him. I wasn't going to move until he told me I could.
Silently he held out his hand for me, and I took it without hesitation, standing up in front of him. Leaning down with his cheek almost touching mine, his breath softly grazed my ear.
"Go back to our room, Kid. And wait for me."
Keigo pulled away and nudged his head. I nodded, almost tripping over myself to get back to our room.
I stood in the middle of the floor, debating on what to do. I kept our lights off as I thought to myself. I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt, questioning whether I should take it off. My thumb gently slid under the fabric as I traced the carvings Toga had given me. I closed my eyes, shaking my head to myself. I wasn't ready for that to be exposed yet. By the time I had mentally decided to leave Keigo's shirt on, I heard his footsteps coming to our door. I turned my head, and my knees almost gave out on the spot.
Keigo was leaning against the doorframe, in a pair of sweatpants, his chest bare. His wings cast shadows through the room, the dark red setting a sensual mood over the space. His bright golden eyes were shining in the dark, his deeply colored wings making them glow even brighter in contrast.
My jaw had dropped shamelessly, my eyes slowly roaming over his body. My heart began beating faster, yet I wasn't breathing. Once my eyes had met his again, he still didn't say anything. Raising his hand, he crooked his finger, motioning for me to come to him. I moved without thinking, feeling like there was a tangible, electric thread pulling me to him. I gently reached up, resting my hands on his upper chest, causing him to exhale shakily. He tilted his head down, his lips laying soft, slowly kisses against the skin of my neck. My head tilted back as I reached further up, my fingers tangling in his wings. I felt Keigo gasp against me, his fingers digging into my arms.
"Fuck..Not, not the wings, BabyBird..."
I smirked to myself as I tightened my grip in his feathers. My neck vibrated as I felt him growl, almost desperately. "FUCK, Kid!"
Keigo brought his face back up to mine, resting his forehead against mine, his eyes shifting between our bed and my eyes.
"Get on...And lay down."
My eyes widened in fear as I heard the words Dabi had uttered to me days ago, and suddenly, I was back in the League's lair. My eyes went to the other side of the room and I gasped in horror. Me and Keigo's bed turned into the metal table I had been tortured on, right before my eyes. The burns Dabi torched me with felt like they were on fire, and Toga's cuts began to sting everywhere on my body.
When I turned back to Keigo, i couldn't help the blood curdling scream that escaped me.
I wasn't met with yellow suns for eyes, but instead, bright blue eyes that held murderous intent in them. The normally messy, golden hair I had touched moments before was suddenly shaggy, pitch black. And the chest I had rested my hands on, was pale and covered in scars.
I began to hyperventilate as I stumbled backwards, falling backwards into our bedroom wall. I barely registered the pain that shot through my body. I put my head in my hands, tears flowing freely through my fingers. After a few seconds, I felt hands on my shoulders, but before I could scream again, Keigo's voice broke through my visions.
Inhaling shakily, I dropped my hands after a moment, slowly looking around the room. I was back in our room. Our bed was back where I had seen the table moments before. When I looked back to Keigo, I saw him. It was really him. Dabi was nowhere to be seen.
Keigo's arms never left my shoulders, unsure if he could hold me yet. Once I had come to my senses, I flung myself against him, sobbing almost hysterically into his chest. He never faltered, his arms going around me, holding me as tight as he could to him.
I'm not sure how long we stayed like that. Eventually I had cried myself out, only soft hiccups and sniffles coming out. I slowly looked up, meeting Keigo's eyes. I saw love. Not wariness. Not pity. Jusy concern and undiluted love.
I opened my mouth to apologize, but stopped when he kissed my forehead.
"Don't. Don't even think about it, Hummingbird. I understand. You don't even have to say anything."
Tears stung my eyes again at his words, but I was too exhausted to cry anymore. I felt the my pulse slowly go back to normal, as a dull headache set in. I reached up to gently rub my head, before Keigo slowly walked me backwards, sitting me on the edge of the bed.
"C'mon, Kid. Let's get some rest, okay?"
I wasn't sure if I could sleep after what I had seen, and it must've shown on my expression. Keigo gently laid me back so I was facing him, as he pulled me into his chest, his chin on top of my hair as he wrapped his wings around me.
"I'll protect you, Songbird. I swear on my life."

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