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Alright, I'm going to stop tagging people in my chapters, it's too much work to memorise and tag people, so I think I'm going with screenshots of the request!

Alright, I'm going to stop tagging people in my chapters, it's too much work to memorise and tag people, so I think I'm going with screenshots of the request!

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It was Christmas Eve, and the students from class 1A had decided to have a movie night. Shoto, for once, agreed on going, it was Christmas after all. He wasn't very fond of Christmas movies, but it'll be alright. As long as he didn't fall asleep, it's going to be fine.
Everyone came down to the small living room, Iida going to the kitchen to grab some snacks. Shoto sat down next to Momo and Tsuyu. Momo smiled at him, happy that he joined in the group activities. She knew how hard it was for Shoto to have social interactions. She was really proud of him for warming up to his classmates.
A few moments later, the movie started. They dimmed the lights and closet the curtains for a cinema effect. Everyone was enjoying the movie, some laying under a warm blanket and some cuddling.
Shoto took a sip of the warm choco he got from Iida, which he was really grateful for. He loved warm choco, but he never had the chance to drink it.
Once the cup was empty, he placed it down on the table. He felt a bit sleepy, but he forbid himself to fall asleep. He knew what would happen, and it would result in the class suspecting something.
But even with that thought, he felt his eyes slowly close. His head slowly fell on Momo's shoulder.
The girl looked at Shoto, smiling a bit. She noticed the dark circles under his eyes earlier, so she was happy that he got some sleep.
Though, around 20 minutes later, Shoto started to shake and tremble a bit, and Momo grew a bit concerned. It got worse by the second, and people around the two started to notice too. They started to crowd around them, wondering what was going on.
Why the hell was Shoto Todoroki, one of the strongest students, shaking and trembling in his sleep?


Momo frowned. "Stop..? Why did he say stop?"

"Please.. You're hurting me.."

"What are you doing..?"

"Why do you have a... why do you have a knife..?"

"Papa what are you doing?!"

"Stop! It hurts!"

"Please papa!!"

A scream rang trough everyone's ears. The students were terrified, they didn't know what was happening, nor did they know what to do.

"Why are you doing this papa!"

"It hurts!! Please stop!!"



Tears streamed down the students faces. They knew what he was dreaming about by now.
Endeavour was hurting Shoto, they were certain of it. They suspected it to be younger Shoto, because of how he called his father. Tsuyu started to gently shake Shoto, trying to wake him up.
After a few attempts, he woke up with a scream leaving his mouth. He panted, sitting up straight. He looked around. Seeing everyone stand around him, he freaked out. Momo quickly calmed him down, saying that it's okay, that he's safe and that no one was judging him.
After a while he calmed down, and looked down, ashamed.

The next day, everyone helped Shoto sending a report to the police.
Endeavour got arrested for child abuse, and Shoto was finally safe.
Everyone helped him with the trauma, and after years and years of help and therapy, he could finally enjoy his life again, without having to be scared.

Maybe this nightmare wasn't that bad?

Depressed Todoroki (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now