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Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I didn't update is such a long time. Things have been difficult, but I'll try to write more! Here is this short chapter as apology.
Also, I'm closing the request for now. Any given requests after this chapter is published will not be written, sorry.

January 18thIt was an emotional day for the Todoroki family

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January 18th
It was an emotional day for the Todoroki family. Touya Todoroki's birthday, the missing brother that everyone thought of as dead. It hit the hardest for Shoto, since Touya was the one comforting him when he was younger. When his dad beat him up, badly, Touya would be there to help him with bandaging his wounds.

As Shoto walked to school with his headphones in, he saw Midoriya walking into the building. The boy had a box in his hands. Shoto didn't pay any attention to it as it wasn't his business, but he was curious about what his friend was carrying.

Later in class, Midoriya came up to Shoto with the same box he was carrying when Shoto saw him. The class went quiet and excitedly looked at the two, probably knowing what was in that box. Ah Shoto looked up from his desk into Midoriya's eyes, he saw kindness, a light in those big green eyes. Midoriya gently placed the box on Shoto's table.
"..for me?"
Midoriya nodded, smiling down at the half and half boy. "You can open it Todoroki!" Tsuyu yelled
Shoto gently peeled off the tape that was on the box. A sweet smell came from the box once it was opened. When Shoto looked inside, he saw a few lovely things.
He saw a small cake, laying in a beautiful blue wrapper. There was a little card, with a lovely handwriting. There were such nice things written on there, it made Shoto really happy. When Shoto looked up at Midoriya again, he was about to thank him. But Midoriya bend over and gave his friend a hug. Shoto was surprised, he didn't know what to do. So hesitantly he wrapped his arms around Midoriya.
At this moment, it reminded him of his mother. How she would always hug him when he was down. Tears pricked in his eyes, and he let go of Midoriya.
The tears slowly escaped his eyes, falling down his pale cheeks. More and more tears came, and before the class knew it, Shoto was crying his heart out. Sobs ran trough the room, they sounded pained but real. The poor bot had held the tears in for too long, he couldn't fight them back, not right now. This day was already emotional for him, and his friend being this nice to him.. it was all too much.

Aizawa walked trough the hallway to class 1A. Once he got near, he heard cries coming from the room. He assumed it was Midoriya once again, but when he walked in he was surprised. Shoto Todoroki was crying his heart out, while the rest of the class was trying to comfort him.
Aizawa rushed to the teens side.

Moments later, Shoto had his head buried in his teachers chest, crying his eyes out. No one know why Shoto got so emotional over a gift, but it ment so much to him.
Later, Shoto fell asleep from exhaustion. All the crying had made him tired. Aizawa looked down at him, and smiled a little.
"Sleep well, problem child"

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