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Class 1A was all hanging out with each other at the mall, except for one

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Class 1A was all hanging out with each other at the mall, except for one. Shoto said that he had to do something in his dorm, so he stayed behind.
If you were there in the mall, you wouldn't see one big group. You would see small groups of friend walking and talking together, but you could still notice that it was a group.
Momo, Tsuyu, Midoriya and Ochako were talking together, wondering what Todoroki had to do.
"Maybe he had some unfinished homework?" Momo wondered, finger on her lips like she was thinking hard.
"Silly! Todoroki always finishes the homework exactly when it's given, Kero!". That's right, Shoto always makes his homework perfectly. He doesn't want to disappoint his father, nor his teachers.
He was doing something that no one would ever expect him to.

When everyone came back to the dorms, it was deadly silent. No music, no talking, no footsteps.
"Guys.. I'm going to check up on Todoroki.."
and with that Izuku Midoriya went up to the fifth floor. He tapped his feet in the elevator, worried about the man he was going to check up on. Most of the time, Shoto would come down and greet everyone when they came back. There would be a soft music and sometimes he even made them food. He was a great friend to everyone.
When he reached the floor, he quickly walked over to Shoto's dorm. When he opened the door, he saw something what he never wanted to see..

Back downstairs, everyone got a snack and was quietly talking to each other. They wondered where Shoto was, considering that he would always greet them when they came back. Maybe he was just sleeping?
Minutes later, a horrified scream broke trough the silence. The students all looked at each other, before all running up the stairs.
They saw Midoriya in Shoto's door opening, staring inside while screaming.
"What the fuck is this all about damn Deku!?".
Bakugou shoved Midoriya aside to see it for himself.
When he saw it, his eyes widened, and tears slowly fell down his face.
There hung his classmate, his face pale and eyes wide open. He was staring to the ground with empty and dull eyes.
"What the fuck..."
Slowly, classmates scattered around Bakugou, only to see the same sight. People were crying, screaming, hell, some were even gagging. They wish they never saw this, that this would've never happened.
"W-why would he do this..? D-doesn't he know how much he means to us?".

A few days later, Shoto's funeral was there. After that, the mood in the class went down quickly. The empty seat in the back of the class was almost disturbing, but they wouldn't dare to let it get removed. They thought that Shoto's spirit was there with them, quietly sitting there like he always did.

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