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Hello everyone. Thank you so much for so many votes and reads, and of course the amazing requests. Also, thank you for waiting, I've been busy this last few weeks. I'll make sure to write more! Enjoy this chapter for now~

Alright uh- this is kinda a hard one, is it alright if I write from the part he has turned little? I hope it is ^^

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Alright uh- this is kinda a hard one, is it alright if I write from the part he has turned little? I hope it is ^^

The class stood in shock. On the ground, sat a small child. Bandages covered his eye, messy hair covering it. He wore a short sleeve, baby blue shirt and some old pants, that were obviously too big on him. Eri stood next to the small boy, looking at him with big eyes. The boy looked back at her. Heterochromaniac (is that even a word) eyes stared into her red ones. His small head slowly turned to look at the crowd of people. He yelped. He wasn't used to such a large group of people. He hid behind the girl, clenching her red dress from behind while he burried his face in her back.
Midoriya slowly walked up to the two. "There's nothing to be afraid off, we won't hurt you".
"Y..you won't h..hurt m..me..? T..that's what e..everyone says.. B..but they s..still hurt m..me!"
Kaminari stood next to Midoriya, whispering; "that's kinda sus bro..". (He would.) Midoriya choose to ignore the class memer.
"Who hurts you little one?"
"M..my..my..d..daddy..a..and mommy.. b..but she didn't m..mean to!".
As Midoriya grew more and more concerned for little Shoto, Kirishima accidentally pissed off Bakugou, who started yelling and making explosions with his palms. This startled Shoto, who flinched noticeably. The small boy started shaking, his small hands travelling up to his ears.
Midoriya held his hand out to Shoto, who immediately jumped into his arms. As Midoriya stroke the messy split hair, trying to calm the shaking boy down, Bakugou got silenced by Kirishima. There was complete silence, the small cries from little Shoto the only thing being heard. Once he calmed down, Midoriya asked if he wanted to talk about it. Secretly, Midoriya wanted to know why Endeavour would hurt this poor little boy, and maybe even make a report to the police. He took the small boy to another room to talk to him, as he though Shoto would be more comfortable when there wasn't a whole class watching him.
Meanwhile, rumours immediately spread trough the class. Whatever happened, it had a huge impact on Shoto's life..

A few months later, Endeavour was being arrested for child abuse. Shoto was back to his normal age, and he was thankful. He was thankful for his supportive classmates, who helped him trough so much.

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