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After the USJ incident, people slowly began to think

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After the USJ incident, people slowly began to think. How could the villains know that All Might would be there at that exact moment? How could the villains know the exact location? It's impossible for them to show up in a place they've never been, right?

"Guys, I think that there is a traitor.."

The class fell silent. A traitor? Who would do such a thing? Well, it made sense. How else could the villains get in so easily? And the class weren't the only ones thinking that. The principal, Nezu, already suspected something. He wished that it would be false, but he suspected class 1A to have a traitor in their middle. He called a meeting between the teacher, wanting to discuss his thoughts.

After the meeting, they came to a plan. They were going to check all the dorm rooms from everyone at 1A. They would send the students home, without telling them why. Otherwise they could just hide the things that they don't want anyone to see. Everyone would receive a letter, telling them that they have to go home for the weekends. The teachers all hoped that there was no such things, a traitor. Otherwise whole UA could be in danger.

The weekend was finally there, all the students from 1A went home. Except for one, one who didn't read the letter, one who's life is in danger right now. Of course, no one knew this, and it was just an amount of time before the teachers would find him.
Shoto Aizawa was the one checked the dorms of floor 5F. Those students were:
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsuyu Asui
Rikido Sato
Shoto Todoroki
And Hanta Sero
He was done checked the rooms of the first three students, finding nothing suspicious. He slowly made his way over to Todoroki's room. He actually just wanted to sleep, comfortable in his bed with the heavenly soft blankets. He got even more tired just thinking about it. When he finally reached Todoroki's room, he smelled faint metallic smell. He didn't think much of it, so he just entered the room. The beautiful Japanese styled room didn't look suspicious at all, but he still needed to check it. He didn't think that Shoto could be the traitor. He was a perfectly good student and got perfect grades. He just started to warm up to the class a bit, and it made Aizawa happy. At the beginning of the year, he was quiet and had no friends. It concerned Aizawa a bit, but he thought that Shoto maybe just wasn't social. After the incident Shoto started to talk to Midoriya and Kirishima more, which was a very good thing.

Lost in thought, Aizawa suddenly saw something shine, a piece of metal, maybe? When he grabbed it, he was in shock. It was a knife, a small one. Dried blood on the sides, like it was used many times. Aizawa carefully put it in his bag.
After that, he found more and more weapons with dried blood on it. Razor blades, knifes. After inspecting the whole room, his bag was half full with weapons. Then, it was time to inspect the bathroom. Aizawa was afraid of what he could find in there. The metallic smell got worse, which also was concerning. He opened the bathroom door slowly, immediately noticing a red liquid. Quickly he ran into the room.

There lay his student. A knife in his hand, blood flowing out of his body. His eyes were closed, but luckily Aizawa saw his chest slowly rise and fall. He ran over, ripping off his scarf to use as bandage. He needed to stop the bleeding, fast, before it was too late. He quickly called 911, praying that they could safe the dying boy. Shoto was still breathing, which was a good thing.

If only he was there earlier..

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