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Shoto awoke in the hospital, squeezing his eyes shut again since the white light was too bright for him. When he finally got used to the light, he looked around. He saw some cards.. some flowers.. his own body in the bed next to him.. some chai- wait.. what? Shoto looked over at the right, seeing his own body laying there, asleep. That's when it hit him. He and Kaminari had been hit by a quirk.. He guessed they switched bodies. He realised Kaminari had to go trough the abuse, the depression, self hatred and anxiety for 3 days..He hoped Kaminari didn't find out about the many cuts on his arms..
Some minutes later, Kaminari awoke, looking around until he saw Shoto in his body. "What the-"
"I see you're awake, Kaminari, we were hit by a quirk that made us swap bodies."
It took him some time to process this, bluntly staring at Shoto before his eyes widen.
"Oh, this is so cool!"
"What do you mean, Kaminari?"
"Well.. I get to meet Endeavour in person and you probably have an amazing life!"
Shoto swallowed.
"Just don't expect too much.."

Once Shoto and Kaminari were free to go from the hospital, Shoto led Kaminari to his house.
Once there, Shoto knocked on the door, and after a few seconds Endeavour opened the door.
"Shoto. Who is this?"
"This is one of my friends dad!"
Shoto mentally slapped himself. How could he be so stupid.. he forgot to tell Kaminari about the 'ground rules'. He's going to be in big trouble..

The next day, Kaminari (in Shoto's body) came stumbling inside the dorms, his eyes wide but still staring at the ground. Shoto waited for him, sitting on the couch watching cat videos. Once he heard Kaminari come in, he quickly walked over to him, helping him sit down on the couch. After Shoto helped Kaminari with his (or Shoto's,) injuries, Kaminari spoke up.
"Todoroki.. what was that.."
Shoto knew he had to tell someone.. in this case Kaminari.
He sighed.
"That was my father's daily 'training'."
"That.. was training..? Daily? Shoto.. that's abuse!"
"....I know.."
Suddenly, Kaminari hugged Shoto.
"I'm going to safe you.. I promise"

Kaminari did, he managed to safe Shoto from his abusive father. Shoto couldn't thank him enough, he was so happy he was away from his father. Kaminari also confronted Shoto about the cuts on his arms, and promised to help Shoto cope without hurting himself.
One year later, Shoto stopped cutting completely, and he was happy, for the first time after all those years.

I remember someone requesting this, but I forgot their @.. so if this is you, I hope I did a good job writing your request! Also, updates will be slow, as you maybe noticed, but I'll try my hardest to keep updating!

Please remember to give only requests on the request page.. it's way easier for me to write it then! You have less chance I'll write your request if you put it on one of my stories. Keep that in mind!

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