Guess who's back + New chapter

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A/N: So hello. I know I've been absent for a while and I apologize. I honestly forgot I owned this book- Here you have an extra chapter, that I came up with myself, as apology. Enjoy~

Aizawa Shota, a hero.
He got a new mission, a mission that would scar him for life. There were kidnappings going around for a few years now, and finally they got the location where the children were hidden.
Yes, children.
The victims seemed to be between the age of 5 and 10, young children. Aizawa knew about this, and yet he wanted to go. He didn't care about how this may infect his life, he needed to get those children to safety. So, he made a team.

As they were approaching the building that evening, a faint iron smell came from inside. Aizawa immediately knew that this was the right place, and dashed inside. The rest of the heroes went inside as well, meeting several doors with old and rusting nameplates on them. Each of them nodded at each other, then kicked open the doors.
Aizawa was met with a strong iron and vomit smell, almost making him puke as well. The floor was covered in bloom stains, and the most random torturing weapons were found hanging on the walls. In the very corner of the room, lay a small figure trembling. The hero slowly approached the trembling figure, and saw that it was in fact one of the missing boys. Once he got closer, the boy pushed himself away from him even more, small whimpers starting to be heard. Aizawa tried comforting him, saying that he's not here to hurt him in any way, and that he's going to help him get away from here. Once Aizawa saw that the boy started to trust him, he slowly reached out his arms. The boy almost immediately grabbed the hero's finger with his tiny hands. Aizawa saw that as a sing to pick him up, and so he did very carefully. His heart hurt when he heard the boys small cries when he picked him up. Tears were forming at the ends of the boys eyes as he hugged the raven tight, trying to distract himself from the blinding pain.

Soon enough, they found themselves in a hospital. Tubes were attached to the boys small and skinny body, as the doctors did tests on him. Aizawa was watching them this whole time, closing his eyes whenever the fragile body jerked in pain.
The raven was thinking about taking this boy in, seeing how his father didn't want him back.

"This household has no place for someone as weak as him."

And so that evening, Aizawa took the sleeping body of the child back to his apartment, hoping that he would find his new home with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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