Chapter Sixteen

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A stillness settled upon the darkened town, weaving into and out of existence in a tentative manner. Shadows dipped and pooled into the streets, covering them with a fragile veil of forgotten fears. Footsteps echoed throughout the silent terrain, bouncing off of the old buildings and tumbling back to the same position they began in.

Light Spinner came to a halt, her eyes flickering as her grip upon the strap to her satchel tightened. The night chewed away at her anxiety constantly, forcing her into a gawking state—though not visible through her veil. Stretching her hand forward, she allowed her fragile fingers to rest on top of the handle of the building that loomed before her.

Instead of turning back like she wished to, she allowed a sigh to tumble from her lips and spiral off into a culmination of tiny clouds. The clouds evaporated as soon as they had appeared. There was no reason to hesitate.

Light Spinner gently pushed the handle downward, the soft and familiar squeak of the door filling her ears with a slight nostalgia. The door creaked open, light beginning to spill throughout the darkness, temporarily staining its depressing state with hope.

For a moment, Light Spinner stood in a dismayed silence as her eyes met two others... an ocean of green depths foaming delicately within them. The owner's face was sharp and their chin came to a point, signifying that when they grew older, they'd most likely become attractive. Light Spinner's heart twinged as those eyes widened and their lips pulled backwards in a fully joyous expression.

"Mommy!" They exclaimed, throwing themselves against Light Spinner as a soft, 'Oof,' managed to escape her lips. The child wrapped their arms around Light Spinner, squeezing her so tightly she thought she might explode.

For a moment, Light Spinner was silent as she patted the child's head tentatively. The caretaker who was behind the child let out a soft snicker as Light Spinner struggled to stay standing.

"Adi, I think—" The caretaker was beginning to speak when Light Spinner lost her balance and went toppling over with an undignified squawk. Instead of finishing her sentence, the caretaker erupted into a fit of giggles.

Light Spinner groaned as the child sheepishly let go of her and rubbed the back of their head. "Whoops... sorry, Mommy," they whispered as Light Spinner finally allowed herself a moment to gather herself up.

Giving a gentle smile, she heaved herself up and picked up the child, smothering them in a hug as they giggled continuously. "I missed you, my dear Adi," she whispered, before making eye contact with the caretaker.

As if reading her mind, the caretaker pointed upstairs. "He's been up there all day, I slid him some food, but I'm not entirely sure he ate it," she lowered her tone, trying to make sure Adi heard as little as possible. However, that didn't matter too much, for they were currently engrossed with Light Spinner's dark entangled hair.

Light Spinner nodded in response, a sigh escaping her lips as she untangled Adi's hand from her hair.

"Well, thank you for watching my little Adi today, you're free to go," she stated, giving a slight bow as the caretaker smiled gently, before slipping out of the door behind Light Spinner.

"I don't mind at all, your child is a blessing," she beamed as Light Spinner gave a soft, yet extremely tired smile.

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