Chapter Twelve

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A wild grin split across Catra's face as she slowly realized what had happened. Instead of just being dragged along by Xeva, Catra straightened herself up and began bolting down the street herself. Adora still seemed to be in a bit of shock. Catra snickered. What a dork.

Xeva's eyes were wild and filled with excitement as he adjusted his grip on the items he had snatched from the stores.

"What the hell did you do?!" Adora hissed, snapping out of her confusion as Xeva raised a brow.

Xeva snickered and rolled his eyes, motioning for them to take a sharp right turn. "Isn't it obvious? I got us supplies," he purred, motioning a left.

"I didn't want to become a criminal the first two minutes in this town," Adora muttered as Xeva laughed again. Catra grinned slightly and elbowed Adora, resulting in an eye roll from her.

The three of them took another turn, only to be met with a wall. Xeva let out a hiss, cursing under his breath as Catra's fur bristled. She was too young to go to jail... Adora was already on the case of blaming Xeva for this, which he totally deserved. The guards were beginning to close in on them... Catra promptly prayed to a god she didn't quite believe in, hoping in vain that something would come in and help them. This situation seemed quite bleak... well, until suddenly everything disappeared.

The environment was a bit different than before, with the only thing Catra could see being a girl about their age leaning against the wall in exhaustion. Catra blinked in confusion.

"...uh, what just happened?" Xeva asked what everyone had been wondering. The girl that leaned against the wall had pink hair and this sort of.. cloak? Wait. Catra'd seen this girl before. She felt her face pale absently as the girl shot a glare at them.

Adora seemed confused, though, it was a reasonable reaction. "Who are you?" Adora asked, frowning a bit as the girl sighed.

Straightening up, the girl placed her hands on her hips and gave all three of them a hardy stare. "Glimmer. And to answer your question, I teleported you guys out of the way," Glimmer replied, her gaze hardened but she didn't seem too hostile for some reason. Even though Catra had stolen the sword from her in the forest. There was no way she'd forgotten that.

"Okay, but why," Catra tilted her head, her tail lashing back and forth in suspicion. Glimmer stared at her momentarily, before shrugging.

"Rebelling against my mother?" Glimmer offered as Catra blinked at her in a nonchalant manner. Glimmer took note and sighed. "Fine, I owed Xeva one and you guys just happened to be with him," she admitted.

Catra turned to Xeva in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowing as she blinked. "You know her?" Catra asked, suspicion finding its way into her tone as Xeva shrugged and grinned sheepishly.

"I have a lot of connections... it really helps when you're in sticky situations—" he chuckled. Catra was so confused, but she decided it'd be easier just not to ask.

Glimmer watched them for a moment more, before motioning them to follow her. "Come on, I've got a place that's safe for you guys."

Catra frowned. "And what makes you think we're gonna trust you, Sparkles?" Catra inquired, squinting a bit at Glimmer as she rolled her eyes.

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