Chapter Thirty

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Catra's tail wrapped itself around Adora in an affectionate manner as a purr found itself to her throat. She couldn't stop. She was so happy to see Adora and she'd decided she was never going to let the other leave her side again.

"Thank you, Adora," Catra whispered, leaning into the hug as she allowed herself to relax fully for the first time since arriving there. Adora smiled gently, leaning in as she allowed her lips to press gently against Catra's own.

Catra's eyes widened slightly as she gave a muffled bleep of surprise. Though, instead of retreating, she allowed herself to wrap her arms around Adora and lean into the kiss. Their lips danced a choreographed routine, blending so well together that it was hard to believe the two of them had never done so before.

When they pulled away, Catra's face was burning as she stared at the other in a bit of a surprise. Adora seemed just as embarrassed, but beamed at the other, playing with her hair slightly.

"You should be thanking Xeva... this was his plan... he destroyed the runestone..."

Catra's eyes widened at that part as a person approached them. They had long hair and green eyes. Adora seemed to brighten up. "Ah! Adi! I'm glad you're okay!! Thank you so much for bringing me here!" She exclaimed as Catra stared on in a bit of a confusion.

Adora caught the expression and giggled a bit. She told Catra that she'd explain everything later and Catra told her the same.

"Is Xeva back yet? I'm a little—AH!!" Adi shrieked as they got bear-hugged from behind, being lifted into the air as they giggled slightly.

"We did it!" Xeva beamed, his eyes filling with pure happiness as Catra could feel her heart twinge in a bit of warmth. A smile found its way to her lips as the three of them began to excitedly talk with each other.

Catra turned to stare over at the city that stood below them. There were people in the streets... shuffling about whilst others stared in utter confusion. The purple-hued sky shimmered in the distance, dancing as the stars performed their own sort of routine.

The wind sang along, matching as the trees and leaves twisted and weaves... a practiced performance that could only be done by hours and hours of time spent doing it. Yet, nature did it almost perfectly.

Catra's heart twinged as she gazed back at the people on the streets. She couldn't... she couldn't just leave them there... with Zell no longer being in charge—who would— Catra suddenly recalled that Zell was still free as she whipped around.

"I'm gonna tie Zell up to make sure he can't—" she cut off, her eyes widening as a gasp crossed her lips. She raised her hand up as shock filled her body with no remorse.

Zell's eyes were open and lifeless. His body sprawled out on the ground as a pool of crimson was beginning to spread out around him, bathing the robes he had had on in a crimson stain. A long slash ran across his neck, deep and long enough to do what he had wanted to do.


Killed himself.

Catra stared quietly, swallowing slightly. He'd been... so set on control... was there a reason for that? It seemed odd that her mother would have wanted to marry someone like that...

What had he been like before...?


Had he been different?

Was he kind at one point?

Now they'd never know.

Adora placed a hand on Catra's shoulder as Catra leaned into her quietly, trying to calm herself down. She shouldn't have cared so much... but... she couldn't help it. She'd... make sure he got a proper burial.

Xeva stared at Zell's lifeless body, crouching down and whispering something that Catra was never able to pick up.

Then, he stood and wrapped his arm around Adi. "Adi and I are going to go back and live in Etheria... I have too many bad memories here... besides... it's kinda our home..." he smiled slightly. "You two... wanna come...?"

Adora glanced at Catra, before back at Xeva as Catra's gaze flickered to the scene below her once more. Her heart twinged slightly. As she stared into the sky... the stars waved at her... singing her a final lullaby as another slowly brought itself into view...

It was placed next to another star that seemed to glow brighter once it appeared.

Catra's eyes softened.

"I think I'm going to stay here... I can't just leave this place in the mess it's in..." she muttered, avoiding Adora's gaze as she messed with her thumbs absently.

Adora glanced from Catra, then to the sky... before a soft smile spread across her lips.

"Well, I guess that means I'm staying too... my life's nothing without Catra," she hummed, resulting in Catra to look at her with widened eyes. Her heart swelled up as Adora beamed, slipping her hand into Catra's as Xeva snorted a bit.

"Okay... we'll leave you two to it... but... please stay safe, Catra..." he trailed off, his eyes careful as a portal opened behind the two. "You're my last family member and I really don't want to lose you too."

Catra smiled. "You'll have to try harder to get rid of me... I'm stuck on you like an annoying song..." she chuckled as Xeva's expression shifted with relief. He chuckled, waving to the two as he and Adi disappeared into the portal.

There was silence between Adora and Catra as they both stared into the night sky. The symphony of the night continued its concert, refusing to stop even when interrupted.

Catra couldn't help but feel impressed.

"So what now?" Adora asked, leaning into Catra as Catra's eyes closed, placing her head on Adora's shoulder in silence.

"I think it's time we plan out our Always Forever."

Adora snorted slightly as a smile twitched at Catra's lips.

"Though, that's easy..."


"It's you."


A/N: WELCOME TO THE END OF THE BOOK!!! I never thought I was going to finish this, but... here I am. Just... wow. It's crazy to think so many people have read and enjoyed my writing... I can't even thank you guys enough... you guys mean so much to me and it almost feels like a fever dream that this is done..?
I do want to apologize for my crazy updates and random spam here, but I truly hope you enjoyed this book! Please tell me what you think in the comments! How this book made you feel; did you like the ending? Did you not? I would love to know.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me!!!
You guys mean the world to me!

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