Chapter Ten

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Light filled the room as a man took a long drink from his cup of coffee. His eyes closed momentarily as he took in the rich scent of the ground up beans that had been liquified. Despite not hearing from him recently, the man had been having a rather good week. The people had been easy to deal with and his body wasn't aching all over for once. Thank god. Absently, the man rubbed his eyes and yawned, allowing himself to stretch his sore muscles. Without thinking about it, the man picked up the newspaper from the table and sunk absentmindedly into the chair. He knew the news was going to be the same as usual, when was it not? He read it to be entertained by the fact that things always ended up being the same in the end. Despite anyone's effort... only the rich endured. How funny. He took another sip from his coffee as his assistant rushed into the room. The man shot her a glare, for she had not even knocked first. How annoying. However, he allowed her to approach him since her expression seemed to be of importance. Leaning over, she whispered something in his ear. The man almost immediately spat out his coffee all over his newspaper.

"He WHAT?!"


Xeva could feel his claws digging into the ground as he let out an aggravated sigh. He couldn't believe he had let this happen. Great, just great. Xeva threw a punch at the ground, before yelping in pain from the collision. Catra snickered a bit and leaned down next to him, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

"Okay, let's all just calm down for a moment," Catra commanded, giving Xeva an amused smile, before straightening her expression. "Is there anyone who would want to do this? Any type of grudge they might have against you?" she offered, tilting her head toward Xeva as he hesitated. A grudge? Against him? Here? Unlikely.

Xeva shook his head and straightened up, pushing away Catra's hand as he glanced at her, "No, not possible..."

Adora crossed her arms and leaned against a nearby pole, a puzzled expression etched into her face. "What I don't get is how they got in without causing the car to go off," Adora pondered, her eyes narrowing as her lower lip poked out a bit in thought. "I mean, we locked it, right?" she asked, her brows furrowing as she shot Xeva a questioning look.

Almost immediately, Xeva felt the color begin to drain from his face. Locked it? Whoops. His ears flattened against his head guiltily as he let out a very suspicious, fake laugh. "Ahaha! Guess it doesn't matter now, we gotta go find them!" He exclaimed, standing up and marching off to go track down their missing car.

Catra grabbed the back of his shirt to stop him from walking. He let out a surprised yelp and jerked backward. "There's no point going after them..." Catra mentioned, shrugging a bit and giving a bored expression as Adora questioned why. "C'mon, think about it-- if we report a missing car, that's police stuff and they'll try to look up our records or whatever..." she continued, pulling Xeva back next to her. "I guarantee they wouldn't find anything, and that would just be that much more trouble for us," Catra pointed out as Adora nodded in agreement.

Xeva gulped a bit and sweatdropped. Good thing she'd stopped him. He hadn't really thought... that... through. He let out a nervous chuckle. "You've got a point there..." he muttered, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"What, are we just supposed to walk all the way there then?" Adora questioned, scratching her head absently. "That'll take a lot longer on foot, and would the person we're getting might not even be willing to walk all the way back," Adora pointed out. Xeva glanced in her direction. She had a point. In fact, this girl was a lot smarter than he had at first believed. He'd have to be more careful of her.

Taking a step forward, Catra crossed her arms as her tail swished behind her. "I don't think we have any choice... I hate to say it, but..." Catra glanced down a bit as she sighed.

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