Chapter 7

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"So," I say with a bit more confidence. "do you want to go somewhere to eat?" I ask nervously, though I try not to show it.

I think I was smooth enough...

She looks up at me, surprised. We almost have a good 7-inch difference in our height. Which makes her look irresistibly cute.

"Um, yeah sure, I don't think I have anything to do, anyways." She shrugs, as she looks up at me. Her stare is so powerful. It makes me feel all sorts of things. We shared a couple of moments in her house when me and Finn were questioning her. She mostly avoided eye-contact with me and got flustered every time I looked at her. At least I know I'm not the only one who feels butterflies in my stomach, but...

Something tells me she's hiding something.

I cannot pinpoint what it is, but I do not think she is sharing everything with us.

"Wait, is Will Louis asking me on a date?" She grins at me, interrupting me in my thoughts.

I grin back at her. "A date... Hmm, sure. Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Maybe." She shrugs again. We both laugh and walk to a motorcycle.

This woman...

"You know how to ride a motorbike?" I ask, impressing me. "It's sort of an essential here." she tells me, jumps on the bike and wears a helmet. She hands me another one.

"Wait, nobody in Malé is wearing a helmet," I take the helmet. "Where are we going?"

She laughs, "We don't have to wear helmets here, but we have to wear them if we are crossing the bridge. We're going to Hulhumalé, the island that is connected to Malé; by a bridge, of course, duh."

"Oh, alright." I have never ridden a motorcycle, so I have no idea what I am supposed to hold onto, but I sit behind her anyway, too shy to tell her.

"Ready, set, go!" Remi screams wildly and takes off fast into the road, causing me to almost fall back but my quick reflex found something to hold on. I found my hands wrapped around Remi's waist, my chest on her back. Shit...

Remi chuckles, "Hold on tight Will Louis! Never let go." My grip on her tightens as I press my chest against her back firmly, her long soft hair blowing in rhythm with the breeze, brushing my face gently.

Her hair smells like strawberries, a scent of heaven.

On the bridge, she speeds up even faster than before as I stare at the wide and vast ocean below me. It goes on for miles and miles, the sun disappearing as it drowns into the water, causing the sky to glow with soft pinks and oranges.

I think I will swim every ocean just to be with this Remi Hood.

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