Chapter 33

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We land in Washington, D.C. a dozen more hours later. I am hand in hand with Will as we walk towards the exit of the airport, when Finn gets a call from the FBI.

"Hello, did you find the location?" he asks eagerly. "Oh, damn." His expression drops and he puts his phone back in his pocket.

"What happened?" Will asks.

"They lost track of Richard," Finn replies, to which Will shakes his head. Shit. "It's up to us to find him through clues now."

Why does dad have to be such an evil mastermind?

We arrive at the front gate and Finn heads out. Will stops me before I do. "Woah, hold on. It's cold out there, it's wise to wear something like a jumper."


"Come on, it can't be that bad." I say confidently, ignoring his advice and stepping outdoors.

The freezing air penetrates into my skin as I shiver in shock. I have never experienced such weather, since I have lived in a tropical country all of my life.

What in the name of macarons is this?!

I quickly reach into my bag, pull out my hoodie and throw it on. Will mutters, "I told you."

"Jeez, you were right." I rub my arms for warmth. Finn is next to us, giggling, so I try to elbow him, before I gasp to take in the scenery around me.

There are trees surrounding the road with leaves of red, orange and yellow, some of them gracefully flying about. The sky, in contrast, is a piercing light grey colour.

It's so different to home, and enchantingly beautiful in it's own way.

"Wow," I exclaim. "Is it the fall season?"

"Yep, autumn, boring," Finn frowns. "I miss the white sandy beaches of Maldives already... And the blue sea..."

"What do you mean?!" I catch a drifting leaf and stare at it in awe. "It's too pretty here. I've never seen anything like it, except in the movies."

"Really?" Will is bewildered. "Wait until it's winter, then."

Oh my gosh, I'd get to touch snow!

"Urgh, you guys are so lucky you have four seasons." I complain. Finn debates, "At least you don't have to store unique clothes for every seaso-"

He is cut off as a car pulls up on the road in front of us, a dark convertible with its roof retracted.

"Gem." Will exclaims enthusiastically. "Gem..." Finn says rather uncomfortably.

That's her car? I wonder what she's like.

A beautiful woman gets out and walks up to Will. "There's my fav British dude," She fist bumps him. "How was your tropical holiday?"

She's gorgeous... What if Will likes her?

Seriously, Remi? He declared his love for me and here I am being envious towards a woman I just met.

"For the last time, lass, it wasn't a holiday," Will rolls his eyes. "we were on this very case."

Gemma slides off her shades to reveal her winged eyeliner over her hazel fox eyes. She is wearing a black leather jacket with fingerless gloves, along with ripped jeans and combat boots. Her short, straight hair is in layers, streaked with dark rose-gold.

She looks kickass... I've always wanted to dye my hair, but dad wouldn't let me because I would apparently stand out too much when I steal.

Gemma completely ignores Finn. Yikes. She sees me and shakes my good hand. "You must be our perp's daughter, what was it... Robyn Hood, right?"

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