Chapter 17

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I watch Will leave the room to get my so-called father.

I remember exactly what happened to me this time.

I lightly touch the bandage on me, my temple still hurts, a throbbing headache every few minutes.

Fuck you, dad.

"So... Remi, are you sure you're okay?" Finn asks me with concern.

"I had better days." I shrug.

"Does it still hurt?" He points at my forehead.

"Yeah it does, and my headache bulges every few seconds." I tell him.

"You collapsed right outside an alley, it must've been a nasty hit... I mean it knocked you out cold." He winces. "What were you doing in an alley anyway? You were most definitely attacked by someone, you don't get eight stitches worth wound by bumping into something... Obviously." He looks at me expectantly.

Since he already figured out that someone is responsible, I carefully say. "Actually, I think I can remember being pulled into the alley." I didn't exactly lie, I mean I was pulled into the alley.

"Hmm, it looks like you fought back." He points at my right-hand. My knuckles have turned purple, my fingernails are filled with blood.

"I think I fractured a bone." I wince as I try to move that hand.

"Yeah, I should tell the doctor.... And um, Remi? I'm really glad you're okay, I consider you as one of my mates now." Finn says happily.

"Mates? What's that?" I ask, pretending to be confused.

"Oh, I mean, 'friends', I'm just a very British bloke, you know? You'll have to get used to my slang." Finn chuckles.

I laugh. "Of course I knew what it meant, I was just messing with you."

Finn rolls his eyes and softly pushes my arm, smiling.

I smile back. "I guess that makes you my friend too."

Friend... I haven't had one of those in ages, all my friendships ended since mom died. Ever since then, it's only been temporary boyfriends and fake acquaintances here and there. What I would give to have a true friend... I look up at Finn curiously.

A few minutes after Finn leaves the room, Will and my dad enter the room. Dad... He is wearing a black long-sleeve t-shirt, I know it is to hide the scratch marks caused by me.

"I hope you don't mind, but can I have some time alone with my daughter?" Dad asks Will.

Will replies, "Sure."

Great. He's the last person I want to be alone with right now.

"What do you want?" I say between my teeth.

"Let's make a deal."

My eyes widen, a deal?

When I didn't reply, he continues. "Remember I said that I'll kill them both? Well, I decided to negotiate. That Finn boy cares for you and that Will boy... My, my." He shakes his head. "He likes you a lot, so pathetic." He grimaces.

"So, what's the deal?" I'm not a patient woman. I can't tolerate anymore of his nonsense.

"You're going to be a distraction to them, you already are... You will lead them to the wrong culprit. They will think they solved the case. That's not all... I researched them both when I was in the lobby. It turns out that their boss owns around a billion dollars. You are going to find a way to steal that money."

"That's not a deal!"

"It is a deal... You're going to get them off the case and as a bonus I get a billion dollars and I don't have to kill the lover boy and his friend." He grins. "You will also have Will wrapped around your little finger, you already do, until you get me the money that is."

"I don't want to use them!" I shout at him, I know hospital rooms are soundproof as well.

"It's either that or killing them, choose wisely."

I know without a doubt he can kill them, he will get away with it as well. It doesn't matter if they're FBI agents, Richard Hood can easily take their souls away as if they were nothing.

But... Can I really betray them like that? Can I use them like a bunch of dolls? If it means to save their lives... I'll do anything. Even if it kills me.

"It's a deal." I find myself saying. "I expect you to follow what you just said."

He shoots me a creepy smirk. "The deal we made years ago... Can we call it off? It's getting quite boring for me."

My eyes widen, flabbergasted. "NO! Absolutely not. That offer stands forever." I tell him sternly.

He rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to argue, but he gets interrupted by a doctor as he comes in.

"Hi Remi, your friend told me to check on your right-hand." He tells me and examines my hand. "That is one hard punch you delivered." He touches my bruised knuckles and I cringe. "It's starting to swell, you most likely broke a bone. We'll need to take an x-ray."

"I'll call a nurse to take you to the x-ray room." The doctor says and leaves the room.

My dad paces, shaking his head. "Remi, I'm disappointed. You caused more harm to yourself than me. We will train again soon." He lifts his shirt to show me his stomach. A big red circle stares at me, I look closely and I can make out the outline of my knuckles. He rolls his sleeves to show me multiple red, ugly scratches. I smile at the sight, that's the most damage I ever had done to him.

"You'll pay for this in training." He points at his arms once more and rolls his sleeves down. "Make sure you're out of the hospital, I expect you to do your jobs or both the deals are off." He threatens me and slowly leaves the room.

Will enters, and plants himself on the chair next to the bed I'm lying in. He shoots me an alluring smile, our eyes locking into its own magic spell. His gaze is so powerful and full of tenderness. I find myself drowning in the blue sea of his eyes. I like you Will... But...

I lower my gaze. I'm so sorry Will Louis.

"Hey what's wrong?" His voice, full of concern and care, breaking me apart slowly inside.

"It's just... Who would attack me? I'm not much of a social person enough to make friends or enemies." I croak. A single tear tickles my cheek.

"Oh Remi, it's gonna be okay. Finn and I will protect you." Will hugs me, him still sitting while I lay on the bed. I sob into his shoulder, giving into his comforting arms. Streams of tears flow faster than my heartbeat.

"Nobody is going to attack you ever again." He says softly.

I'm not crying cause I'm scared of being attacked.

I'm crying because Will is going to be hurt by me. I'm crying because I'm gonna break Finn's trust and Will's heart... My own too. I'm crying because I'm afraid I'm going to finally lose myself to my dad.

I'm never gonna find out what really happened to mom.

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