Chapter 1: Left Behind

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"What do you mean I haft to leave...?"

"You break every rule we set to get along, no one in the group likes you, and you killed one of our own." said Thomas, the leader of my, well old, group.

I was only with them for three months, three months, and they already hate me, am I really that bad? Sure I'm not the sweetest person to be around but come on!

"Well at least let me say good-bye to Laila..." Laila was the only girl who ever really liked slash trusted me, sorta, almost a sister but not exactly.

My actual sister died awhile ago. Everyone believes  she isn't , but I know she is. I know how unfaithful I must sound but it's the truth. We were living at this camp for awhile but when it got over run we got separated. Their was gun fire and walkers everywhere. I liked to be proved wrong but that was unlikely.

"Fine, but make it quick."
"Thank you." I said as I ran to Laila's tent she was probably still sleeping.

I was right.
"Laila" I whispered, "What do you want?!?" She asked, sounding tired and annoyed.
"I'm leaving, and I wanted to say good-bye."

"I'm coming with you."





"You're going to sneak out, there not gonna want you to come with me." She watched me as I spoke, with a great admiration.
I don't  want her to want to be like me. Because I'm a insecure son of a bitch. And to be honest kinda crazy. I mean I'm helping a 14 year old girl escape a perfectly save place for a perfectly unsafe...well car.

"Here's the plan, when I leave I'll go to the old police station we found on a that run, I'll wait until you get there, and while I wait, I'll bag up all the guns and ammo we left behind. Here." I said handing her two of my most prized possessionsmy throwing knifes, leaving me with one, and my gun... of course.

"You know their's a opening at the front gate?"
"Yah. I'll go there." She said to me, Laila reminded me of Prim in the hunger Games books. I know random right! That's how I am.

"Hurry it up." yelled Thomas, making me want to punch him in the face, I really don't know why I didn't, I mean I should.

"Are you ready." I whispered, she nodded yes.
"Get as many supplies as you can before you leave," I pulled her in for a hug before I left the tent.

"Ready?" Thomas asked, I nodded. He would wake tomorrow to find out that his sister had left him to be with some psychopath girl they'd met before everything happened.

He handed me a gun, and some supplies, he then grabbed my hand and shook it,
"It's been a pleasure knowing you Maya Watch, I hope you find your sister." I nodded.

He then provided me with a very large gun, one we had brought back from the police station, thank god we didn't take them all.

Thomas started opening the gates, flashing me a grin.

God! Why did I ever date this guy, sure I was sixteen, and stupid but that's no excuse.

"Take one of the cars." said Thomas. Ok now I remember. He was actually ok.... At the time now he just really boys me, like really!

I took my car, it was black with bullet proof glass. It was actually my car before this to. It was for secret service agents... like me.

I wore a black tank top matched with some dark blue skinny jeans, they had a lot of pockets, which was pretty useful with my throwing knifes and all. I got into the car, jammed the keys into the it and pressed my foot on the gass peddle.

I drove to the old police station. I get out of the car grab the keys and start ransacking the place.

Grabbing every gun and every box of ammo I can thinking that group should've held on to me for just a little longer, maybe I would've shared me and Laila's stash.

I heard a door open and knew it was going to be Laila, I got my one of three knifes out anyway, just in case.

"Relax it's just me, I used camouflage." said Laila, wearing a hand and feet, blood oozing out and going on her white dress, she looked like she had just walked out of a horror movie. Laila was stronger then people gave her credit for, most girls would have hurled at just the sightof that, except for me of course.

"How many dead?" I asked, I liked keeping count even though it didn't do anything, it gave me stuff to do. I always kept count of many dead I'd killed, and how many dead Laila had killed.

She sighed, she hated when I did this. "Just five... Ok with you... mom?" I giggled at her ridiculous comment.

"You know..." I paused "I got nothin." I said making her smile.

"Did you get all the shit."
"Language!" I said, I was aloud but she wasn't, I had strange rules. You know like it mattered.
"Sorry. Did you get everything."

"Yah, lets go before your brother realizes your gone and comes looking."
"Kay. Give me the bag of guns."

"Hey Laila?" I whispered yelled. "Yah." she answered

"Give me my knifes." she smiled and handed them over.

I walked out the door and into the car, Laila followed.
"Are you sure you want to do this? There's still time, no one probably noticed you were gone yet." I said making sure she was ready for this, and really wanted to do this.

"Yes, I'm sure."



"Alright then."

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