chapter eleven

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she looked at the bottle in her hand and sighed in disappointment.

as soon as hana left, she walked towards them and excitedly jumped infront of them, scaring the three of them.

"yah, where did you go??" nari questioned since raejin only told them that she was going somewhere for moment but didn't said where to.

raejin smiled sheepishly, "i went to buy water! my throat feels dry from all the screaming,, gosh!" she chugged on the water before passing it to nari.

"aigoo, seems like you're being too passionate cheering for me huh?" eunwoo chuckled, pinching her nose.

raejin scrunched her nose in disgust.

"oh right. just now, that new kid.... uhh, what was her name again?" hyungwon uttered, looking at raejin.

".....hana?" raejin tried to guess, acting like she had no clue even though she already did.

"ah! yes, her! she was here just now.... to give eunwoo a water" hyungwon said, pointing at the bottle that eunwoo was holding.

eunwoo spontaneously hit at the back of hyungwon's head, making him yelp in pain.

"oh well. to this day, i'm surprise that you still don't have a fanclub... you should make one! tell hana to be the president of the club, geez" raejin stated with an annoyed look on her face as she turned around, heading back to her booth.

eunwoo was taken aback but also puzzled by raejin's behaviour. it took him a few seconds to proceed of what just happened.

"raejin-ah! are you being jealous right now???" his lips formed into a wide happy grin as he ran after her.

"are you crazy? no! why the hell should i get jealous??? i'm just giving you a suggestion you idiot!"

"that's not it.... it was written all over your face though...?" eunwoo teased.

meanwhile hyungwon and nari was walking behind them not so far.

"aigoo, i'm just waiting for a day of them not arguing with each other" nari shook her head, watching the two of them started to hit each other.

"pft, i don't think that day exist.... besides, the two of them should realize that they are always acting like a couple,,, people would get mistaken easily" hyungwon let out a soft chuckle.

"oh! omg you're right! gosh, i am 100% sure they will start bickering if someone point that out...."


it was exactly 7 o'clock at night and the school auditorium started getting crowded as it was the place where the talent show were held at.

raejin, nari and eunwoo decided to take a seat in the middle of the row, to get a better view of the stage.

the two extra kids were back again with their decorative cardboard, couldn't wait for hyungwon's turn.

it was 7:15 p.m when the mc headed to the stage and gave slight few tapping on the microphone to check before bringing it to his mouth.

"ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! welcome! first of all, i want to say thank you for coming to our most special part of the festival year! the kids in seuli high school are very thrilled to take part of this talent show,,, and we have sooo many talented contestants to see tonight...! alright, without wasting any time! let the show begin!!"

the auditorium turned dark with light off except for the stage and it was filled with applause and the noice of cheering from the audience seats.

there were 10 performances in total and since it doesn't have any rules, it can be individuals, in pairs and even in groups.

some of the contestants performed a group dance cover, singing, freestyle dancing, rapping, playing intruments and many more!

until then, hyungwon's turn came up.

"and for our 8th contestant! we have our so called cold prince a.k.a chae hyungwon from class 2-5!"

lots of girls were cheering and screaming at him as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"yikes, i didn't know hyungwon have this many of fangirls" nari gasped, looking around in speechless.

raejin was excitedly holding up the cardboard and turned to nari, laughing, "i'm not surprise that they were being lowkey about crushing on hyungwon all this time,,, i mean look at how intimidating he looks"

nari giggled, agreeing with raejin.

eunwoo immediately shushed them as hyungwon was about to perform.

hyungwon cleared his throat and a song began to cues in the background.

(a/n: watch the video above!)

"shorty get down, good lord

baby got 'em open all over town

strictly biz, don't play around

cover much ground, got game by the pound

getting paid is a forte

each and every day, two player way

i can't get her out of my mind (what)

i think about the girl all the time

i like the way you work it

no diggity

i gotta bag it up

i like the way you work it

no diggity

i gotta bag it up"

hyungwon stopped singing and quickly put down the microphone to the side on the floor as a new song cues in the background.

he started dancing and everyone in the audience were completely mesmerized by his performance.

once it ended, the audience gave him a big round of applause.

"WOO! THAT'S MY BOYYY" raejin screamed while holding up the cardboard, earning a soft smile from hyungwon.

"AAA YOU DID GREAT!!" nari joined along with eunwoo who made a big thumbs up towards hyungwon.


>the other next day<

the school hour ended, eunwoo and hyungwon just finished with their club meeting was heading towards their classroom to pack up their stuff.

after done packing, eunwoo saw nari waiting for them at the locker section while hyungwon just walked out of his classroom.

eunwoo looked at the two of them in utterly confusion. he furrowed his eyebrows and titled his head, realizing that something is missing.

"wait a minute, where's raejin?"

"oh, raejin? she left earlier because she have a blind date-" nari gasped and immediately covered her mouth as she turned to hyungwon who was looking at her with eyes widened.

"wait wha- what do you mean she have a blind date??? since when?"

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