chapter fourteen

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>lunch break<

"yah, eunwoo. i think i saw you at the back of the school just now with....haneul? ha...yeon? no...that's not it- ah! whatever her name is. anyways, what was that about?" hyungwon spoke out, as he took a seat beside eunwoo.

"it's hana, by the way," nari corrected him, rolling her eyes.

"ah right, hana!"

"oh! you saw them? now that you mentioned it, dongminie! hurry up tell us what happened!" raejin said, looking at eunwoo with excitement

eunwoo sighed, "alright alright, just promise me that you guys won't tell anyone else about this, okay?"

all of them nodded in unison.


"dongm- i mean, eunwoo-ah!" hana said, softly tapping eunwoo's shoulder

eunwoo pulled out one of his earphones and turned his head around, glancing at hana with a question look on his face.

"i, uh....made this tangerine cupcakes last night. here! i thought of giving the extras to you" a paper bag was visible in her hand that consisted of three tangerine cupcakes in it.

the whole class witnessed it and was cheering and whistling at them.

"oh damn, hana! is that an indirect confession i see??" lee jinki; a class clown shouted, smirking at them.

raejin was there in her seat and couldn't do anything but to watch the two of them awkwardly.

"um, sorry hana but i don't like sweet things though..." eunwo refused to take hana's gift.

the class atmosphere instantly turned into a dead silence, just watching hana getting rejected.

"ah~ is that so...? sorry i didn't know about that" hana laughed as she was flustered after getting rejected infront of her classmates.

she then cleared her throat before turning to raejin "oh well, here raejin! you can have it instead!" she put on a sweet smile pn her face.

"h-huh? are you sure....?" raejin furrowed her eyebrows with unsure look. she felt bad for taking a gift that was supposed to be for someone else.

hana nodded in reassurance before heading towards her own seat to sit.

but as she was about to sit, eunwoo called out her name, "kim hana"

he grabbed the class attention again. all of them were back focusing on them, each of them were hoping that there would be some interesting drama happening soon.

hana slightly tilted her head around, looking at eunwoo in confusion.

eunwoo removed his earphones, "i have something to tell you. let's talk outside, follow me" he said and got up from the chair before leaving the classroom.

hana remained in confusion state as she followed him.

the whole class watched the two of them while cheering and whistling. they were guessing that eunwoo might changed his mind for rejecting hana and decided to confess his feelings to her.

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